[Chapter Two]

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The two Hobbit's stood by the door as a pile of Dwarves were at their feet, struggling to get up. The wizard had to crouch through the door to get in, as Bilbo was not impressed by this invasion in his home. The Dwarves on the floor managed to get up after pushing one another off. As they removed there weapons, and coats and dropped them; anywhere in the house and one by one they made there way to the Hobbit's kitchen to greet their comrades. Freya was so overwhelmed being surrounded by these Dwarves, that she didn't hear her cousin yelling until she was shoved out of the way by a few Dwarves carrying food.

" Those are my plates!", Bilbo shouted in anger to one Dwarf, only to be distracted by another. " Excuse me! Not my wine.", the Hobbit continued to get annoyed when another Dwarf started scurrying by the Hobbit with his jam. " Put that back. Put that Back! Not the jam, please...Excuse me...", Bilbo freaked in exhaustion when Bombur; one of the biggest Dwarf in the company, came waling out of the pantry with three entire wheels of cheese. " Excuse me. A tad excessive, isn't it? Have you got a cheese knife?", Bilbo asked looking a bit shock from all this.

" Cheese knife? He eats it by the block.", a Dwarf explained that wore a black hat, known as Bofur. Bilbo scratched his head when he turned and saw his cousin standing in the hall under one of the doorways, he gave her a blank expression; she couldn't help but smirk at her cousin as she watched him trying to deal with his uninvited guest. He put his hands on his hips and gave her an frustrated look, as she just shook her head and laughed, actually finding it entertaining to see her cousin act around these Dwarves. He was about to join his cousin's when he got distracted yet again, by Oin and Gloin walking through the hall carrying chairs from one of the Hobbits rooms.

" No, no, that's Grandpa Mungo's chair! No, I'm sorry, you'll have to take it back please. take it back...it's antique, not for sitting on! Thank you! That's a book, not a coaster. Put that map down, thank you!", Bilbo continued to argue with the Dwarves in the kitchen as Freya followed him into the kitchen, encase he needed some help. Bilbo was now arguing with Oin, who didn't always hear things correctly, as he pointed to his ear for the Hobbit, but wasn't in the mood to listen.

" Excuse me, Mr. Gandalf." Dori politely interrupted

" Yes?" The wizard answered.

" May I tempt you with a nice cup of chamomile tea?" Dori offered the wizard, as he carried a tray with two tiny tea cups, and a teapot. The Wizard turned to look at the Dwarf.

" Oh, no, thank you, Dori. A little red wine for me, I think." Gandalf insisted as he left the food room, to another room. Freya saw how disappointed the Dwarf looked and she was mildly shock to see some of these Dwarves did in fact have manners, though it was very rare to see; especially the Dwarves that were in this home. As the young Hobbit woman observed the room that had the Dwarves in, she noticed they all had their own unique way of braiding there hair and beards. She was in deep thought, that she didn't notice a Dwarf had approached her.

" Excuse me lass, but can I tempt you with a cup of tea? Or would you like some red wine as well?" Dori offered.

" Oh, a cup of tea sounds lovely." Freya said to the Dwarf. His smiled perked up; as he poured the hot tea from the pot, into the tiny cup and handed it to the woman.

" Thank you so much." Freya said happily as the Dwarf blushed and gave her a little bow before leaving her presence to get the wizard a glass of wine. The wizard walks out of the dining room, trying to avoid the scurrying Dwarves. He hits his head on the chandelier and quickly steadies it before it breaks, as he begins counting off his fingers.

" Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori--" The wizard counts, until he sees the Hobbit fighting over a bowl of tomatoes with Ori.

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