[Chapter Fifty Two]

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It was nearly nightfall. Freya had gone back to her room she had been resting in. She had found her trousers and long sleeve and started changing out of her dress; back into her normal clothing. If Thorin, her cousin and the dwarves were going to go to war; she wasn't going to be left behind. She would fight till the death if that's what it came down to. First Freya had to go find her cousin and learn the truth. The young woman wandered down the hall, she saw that Bofur was at the battlement, standing watch encase any one decided to intrude. The rest of the company was still in the armory, sharpening their weapons and discussing battle plans. The young woman continued down the hall and eventually found her cousin. Bilbo was alone, sitting on the platform, his legs hanging over the edge. Frey wandered over and took a seat beside him, just Bilbo tuck something back in his coat.

"You've had it all this time, haven't you?" Freya began, turning to look at her cousin who was looking at her. "The Arkenstone." Bilbo's eyes shifted to the ground for a second before he met hers again and nodded. The woman turned her gaze to the city of Dale.

" Freya, there was times I wanted to give it to Thorin, many times, but I just couldn't do it. He's not the same Dwarf we met in the Shire." Bilbo stated and he expected his little cousin to protest against him but she didn't; instead he saw her nodding her head.

"I know. And I'm glad you didn't give it to him. I fear Balin was right, it would make him worse if it fell into his hands ." She admitted, her voice slightly broke. The burglar place a hand on his cousins hand, causing her to look at him.

"Freya. I'm going to Dale to give them the stone. " Bilbo began and saw the woman's eyes widen. " It's the only way to prevent this war from happening. " I believe if Bard gives Thorin back the stone, then he will honor his word to the people of Lake-town and then their will be no need for war. Thorin values this stone above anything." the hobbit finished as he pulled out the stone in question. Freya starred at in in awe for the longest time, before she said anything.

"Then I'm coming with you." Freya stated, as she got up from the cold ground. Bilbo put the stone back in his coat and stood up and didn't like this at all.

"No, Freya. If Thorin finds out you had anything to do with this. He-he could hurt you and I know he would never forgive himself if he did. You should stay here." Bilbo protested. Freya shook her head at him. She wasn't going to let Bilbo do this alone.

"Bilbo we will do this together." Freya firmly said, clasping her cousins hands in hers." Bilbo finally nodding though he had his worries if Thorin found out she had any part of this, he didn't want to imagine what he could possibly do to her, with the state his mind was in right now.

"If we are to do this, we have to go now. We can't let the others see us." Bilbo pressed and the woman nodded in understanding. The two hobbit's made hast to the wall. The cousins were on one side of the battlement and they peered over the side, seeing Dwalin and Gloin muttering about something and soon disappeared down another tunnel. Once it appeared they were alone, Bilbo pulled out a good amount of rope, that he had hid in his coat. He began tying a tight knot to a solid ring attached to the mountain as quickly and quietly as he could as Freya kept watch.

"You both should be inside..." Bofur's voice spoke up, causing Freya and Bilbo to jump. "...out of the wind."

"No, I, uh...we needed some air." Freya stuttered as they looked at Bofur who was across on the other side of the battlement, hiding what they were doing. The dwarf was standing near the fire, keeping his hands warm. " the place still stinks of dragon." Bofur smirked at that and had to agree, it would be sometime before the smell of dragon faded from the mountain.

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