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5th of January, 1982

It was always raining in London, wet and cold. Espichally in the winters. The trees had lost their coats, shivering as the wind tickled the bare skin of the wood.

The wind was horrendous, the spit of water flying into your face. It would hit you with such a force. Some stumbled over, or tripped quite terribly into the awful sewers. Unforunatly for some where the rats decided to camp.

Petunia Dursley was not a woman for nonsense, in fact she quite despised it. Along with the wizarding world.

She was a strict woman, she believed in discipline to those who needed it quite dreadfully. She had straight hair that was cut to her shoulders, her face was sour. If there was something Mrs. Dursley didn't like she would make sure it was squashed like a bug. Preferably squashed by her own cruelty.

She also had a knack for spying on the neighbors but many of her friends knew she was one to get involved with social affairs. She always had enjoyed the good gossip.

Many in fact would be surprised seeing Petunia Dursley, with a large yellow jacket on. Walking down the streets at Midnight in the treacherous hands of winter.

If you looked closely enough you would seem to notice she was holding a baby, every now and a then she would glance down and sneer and the vile creature that was contaminating her skin.

That exact baby Mrs. Dursley happened to be carrying was the one and only Hadrien Jameson Potter, but many called him Harry James Potter.

No need for the long amount of names, our dearest Mrs. Dursley. Wife of Mr. Vernon Dursley. Had no idea what she was going to create, a monster. But fate always had its cruel and sadistic ways of dealing with the world. And unfortunately this was one of the events.

Mrs. Dursley ran up the stone steps to a wooden built door, the building had scorch marks on it. Showing the fire that had burnt the stone, in a past accident.

To the side it had a gate, with the common words.

" Wools Orphanage"

Knocking on the door, while carelessly holding the baby, the brunette had to knock a few times before a flustered Woman opened the door.

She was around fourties, she wore a certain style of accuracy. She had a certain air of perfection. Although, her clothing wasn't what you would call perfect. Maybe it was more in the manner she held herself.

She huffed down at Petunia staring at her with a beady eye, like she was outrageously irratated.

" What brings such vermin to my door? At Midnight? Good god woman you must be desperate! The audacity!"

Petunia just scoffed not even bothering to answer the question she looked at the woman as if she was inferior. But she immediately wanted to remove her nephew from her hands.

" Take the boy, we already have a son. We can't look after the brat. His parents were murdered. Spare me the disgust of raising such a brat!"

Hissed Petunia, she thrusted Harry into the arms of the elderly woman. Who looked outraged at how this stranger had handed her this child.

" Good day, I don't want such people like you on my property. The child shall have a better life here. Than where ever you wanted to put him "

The woman was so disgusted by this stranger on her doorsteps, her hand twitched in need of slamming the door on her face.

Personally she was hoping with enough force, the dratted hag would tumble to her death. The Stranger, glared at her and before she turned to leave she said the last words.

" His name is Hadrien, Hadrien Jameson Potter"

Those were Petunia Dursleys last words before she stormed away, muttering words of such slang. That even the owner of the Orphanage had the decency to scowl and slam the door.

As the next month went by Mrs Cole daughter of the previous helper at the Orphanage before there was a tragic accident and it was set a flame. Mrs Cole, noticed young Hadrien was a very quiet baby. He would stare at you with his emerald eyes, Sometimes she swore he was looking right into your soul. Like he could find all of your darkest and deadly sins. Ofcourse Mrs. Cole refused to believe such an idea. It was simply not possible.

As Hadrien grew, most of the other Orphans were weary of him. They found him very odd. He would just stare at you, they said he was weird and strange.

Mrs. Cole remembered her Mother talking about a child like him many years ago. Tom Riddle his name was, strange boy. Very strange indeed.

By the Time Hadrien was barely four years old, he would stay in his room. With his books layered across his bed. This shocked many of the workers at four years of age he had managed to start reading books. Which was very odd.

Hadrian Potter never came out of his room, food was sent up there. He also refused to talk to others, he was a silent child at that age. Well everything was still kind of normal when he was that age.

By the time he was Six, he would play in the gardens. Some of the other children caught him hissing at snakes, this caught Mrs. Coles attention. He was becoming so much like Tom Riddle. But she was thankful there was no bullying or Accidents. But then again she thought to soon.

By the time Hadrian was eight, the other children started bullying him. Mrs. Cole wasn't impressed that when freaky things started to happen. Children would get hurt, one even died. But alas there was no proof.

As Hadrien got older he threatened anyone who came near him. He loved to be alone. He had no friends he preferred to keep to himself.

That day Mrs. Dursley left Hadrien Potter. She had no idea at what monster she had created.
No idea at all.

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