Chapter Two- Topsy turvy

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Louis POV

We walked into a huge building off the docks. The top was glass, so you could see out of it. It was sorta shaped like a dome. The lobby was decorated in sea stuff. Shells, tanks full of colorful fish. And even a fountain. The fountain had a statue in the center with weird writing on the side.

"That's Poseidon..." Harry said in an awed way...

"Who?"  I asked.

"He is the Greek God of the Sea. The second oldest of the gods of Olympus."

"You know? Your geek stuff is kinda annoying." I stuck my tounge out at him.

"You also better be lucky I know about it! That writing on the side, that's Greek for Poseidon" He smiled. I shook my head and noticed that Liam had left us.

"We better go..." I took one more glance at the statue and notice a three pronged staff in one of the Gods hands. I guessed if must have been his legendary Trident.

I walked up the front desk, where the two were waiting for me.

"Excuse me?" Liam spoke up. "We are hear for the house we bought?"  The lady looked up and smiled.

"And what are your names?"

"It should be under Liam Payne." Liam kept his eyes on the lady. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked like she was somewhere in her 30.

"Found it!" She said. "I'll have someone take you there!" She handed us the keys and told some body in the back to help us. He was a younger boy. Looked 18 or so. He had blonde hair and blue eyes like the front lady or what ever you call them. He was short and smiled at us. He had a lot of energy for someone so small!

"Hi! I'm Niall, Niall Horan!" He stretched out his hand and shook ours. Each of us saying our name as he shook our hands. Each of us saying ours as he did shook our hands.

He led us out the door and down to the dock. our car was sitting in the parking lot. Surprisingly...

We led him to the car and let him in. Liam driving, Harry in the passenger seat, and me in the back with "Niall". Liam started up the car and headed out of the parking lot.

"Left," Niall said. "Until you get to Worthington Street." Liam just simply nodded his head and we road in silence. I kept thinking back to the statue...That was the fist time me and Harry actually.....Never mind. He won't ever love me. I mean, who would. My parents don't even love me! They love me sisters more than their only son....

Liam finally turned and the silence was broken...

"Now once you get to the end of this one, you turn right. On that road you get to a sign that says Seashore Coast. Turn there and you house is the last one on the left." He smile and kept blabbering about something god only knows what.

I just stared out the window. I couldn't believe I was actually thinking like Bella did in the Twilight books. "Oh, does Edward still love me?" this and "I think he hates me..." That....I think I could sound that pathetic....

I didn't realize that time flew by but we stopped at a beach house that was huge! The front was mostly sand but a bunch of grass was sticking out from under it. The front was amazing. The door was solid white along with the painting of the house. I just can't explain how beautiful it was.

We said our goodbyes and thank  you's to Niall and he left. Liam offered him a ride to the hotel place or what ever you want to call it but he said he likes walking. We got our bags and headed in. The inside was smaller than the outside.

We searched the house. It was already furnished and food was already in the cabinets. We looked at the rooms and freaked out! There were only two rooms when we thought there were 3....

"Me and Louis can share a room?" Asked Harry. Oh no...what do I do?! I looked at him confused and tried to say something but he pulled to the biggest bedroom.


He turned from the bed.

"What?" He had a smile playing across his face.

"There is only one bed...." That smile grew bigger.

"That's okay, we can share right?" He had a mischievous look on his lips. I looked at the clock. It was 7:00.

"Why don't all three of us go for a walk on the beach?" Liam had suddenly appeared in the room.

"Okay!" Said Harry. I just nodded and we locked the door and walked down to the beach.


The full moon was up and it lit the whole beach! We walked up shore and found a cliff. The rock face made a C shape. The bottom was beautiful. A pool of water was shining at the bottom. There were steps leading into the water.

I ran, without thinking and stripped down to my underwear. Not worrying about what the others where thinking. I jumped into the water and it felt like home....I can't explain it but it was amazing. Harry smiled and followed me. Liam just stood there with his jaw to the ground. Finally he decided to join us.

"Nice underwear, Louis..." Harry was staring at my lower half of my body. My underwear were solid black with dark blue lining.

"Um...Likewise..." I blushed. I was holding back the biggest smile I have ever concealed.

Liam was finally in the pool and smiled. I could tell he felt the same way I did in here. Once we were off the steps and in the middle I couldn't stand on my tippy toes, so I had to paddle my feet.

 A bubble came up beside Harry and I smiled.

"Did you just fart, Hazza?" He smile at his nickname and before he could answer, bubbles were coming up everywhere. Little orange bubbles floated up out of the air to the full moon. I just noticed it was right above us and we were freaking out by then. The bubbles stopped after about 5 minutes of complete confusion and freaking outness, we got out.  We didn't say a word back to the house and once we were there I told Liam and Harry I was going to get a shower.

I got to the bathroom and turned on the shower and put my hand under the water. Adjusting the tempreture I felt weird. Like something special had washed over me.  Then all of a sudden I fell. No reason at all, I just fell. I looked down to my legs and they weren't legs. I HAD A TAIL!! A BLUE ONE!!!! WTF!!! I screamed as loud as I could and Harry was the first the door.

"Louis what's wrong?! Can I come in?!"


The door opened and Harry's face went from worried to freaked out. Liam came afterwards and they both saw it. Then it disappeared....

I stood up, naked....and both stared at me...

We walked to the living room after I got my clothes on. And sat on the couch.

"What was that?" Harry was worried. I could tell.

"I don't know, that's never happened before. When I touched the water I felt weird and just fell. I looked back and had a tail!"

Liam came back with a glass of water and started drinking it after he sat down. The water touched his lips and he dropped the glass. Why? Ten seconds later he grew a gold tail like me! His eyes widened. Harry's did too. Harry reached for the wet glass and set it on the table and ten seconds later her grew a green tail. Why was his green and ours gold and blue? Maybe our eyes. We all stared at each other and Harry was the fist to speak.

"This has to be a secret. No one can know." Liam and I nodded and looked away...


I hope you guys liked this chapter. I've been really busy and haven't had time to type or write. What ever you guys wanna call it. XD But anyways I hope you guys aren't mad and like this chapter. TANK YOU!

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