Chapter Seven- The Siren

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Hey guys! I can't beleive there are seven chapters now!!! AMAZING!! Hope ya'll love 'em! But anywho, I'm dedicating this to my friend Raven_Athena because she made fall in love with the song i'm putting on the side! It's from one of her stories and ya'll really should read it. It's called "Angel with a shotgun". It's amazing.

Well this chapter consists of a full moon and Harry's amazing ability to sing! Hope ya'll love it!


Louis' POV

It's been about two weeks since the full moon and the girls have told us that new mermaid/mermen get freaky if they look at it. We have to stay indoors and stay away from the moon pool. Harry took it really hard because that's where we spend most of our time together. That's actually where we get to spend alone time together. As long as he is safe I'm fine but he just really want's to be there for some reason.

It's seven at night and the girls are finally giving us goodbye hugs and stuff. Cleo gives me and Harry a kiss on the cheak. When Harry saw her do that to me, I could see him grit his teeth. I just smiled. They leave with their last words being, "The moon rises at 7:30!! Good luck!" We have gotten really close since we all met them. Liam met them when we took Niall and Liam to the moon pool. Niall had already known them. He said he goes to school with them. Luckily, me and Liam don't do school anymore and Harry does it online. He said he was trying to get his GED. What ever that means (Litarrally i have no idea what it The moon has been up and we get about 10 minutes into it when Harry had the bright idea of going to "bed". Instead he goes to the bathroom and startes a bath. Since we can't take showeres anymore...

Harry's POV

I hate being away from my spot! Mine and Louis special place! It's horrible. He won't let me go..Niether will Liam or Niall! I love being with Harry, and I want him alone with me.

I told everyone i was going to bed but instead i take a bath. I step into my freshly ran bath water. I watched as steam came off of it, dissapearing into the air. A few seconds later i watch my green tail appear out of thin air, replacing my legs and toes.

"It's too hot in here..." I say to myself. I reach up and untape the window, thinking the moon is on the other side. Boy was i wrong... A perfect white circle. Reflcted of the top of the water. I couldn't take my green eyes off. I tried, but it wouldn't work.

I draided the water out of the bathtub and grabbed the towl beside me. Quickly, i dried my tail wnd soon i was naked once again. I left the bathroom in only my boxer breifs and into the livingroom.

"Get your clothes on, mate!" Liam screamed. I opened my mouth and started singing. I dont know why but i did.

"Hey there Delihla whats it like in New York City

I'm a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty

yes you do..... Time Square cant shine as bright as you

I swear its true...."

Thats Lois favorite song! All the boys were smiling and staring at me. Tey looked in a trance.... This went on for two hours, every few minutes one saying how i look amazing and how i can sing.....

"O-ohkay guys.... I'm gonna go to bed now...." I say slowly. Two seconds later everyone of them are following me and telling me that they are going to sleep with me? Wait, what? Only Louis can sleep with me!

I Turn on my heels so fast the others run into each other to stop from running into me.

"No, Louis is the only one who can sleep with me!" I look at Louis who is smiling ear to ear triumphantly. 


Louis' POV

"I really hope Harry is okay..." I thought aloud. 

"He'll be fine. He's just upset. I've delt with the full moon many more times than just this one... He is just going through moon pool withrawls." Him and Liam let out a laugh but i swear i was about to die of worrieness. 

We heard the water running. My head snapped up. Liam and Niall exchanged lookes and Niall spoke up. 

"He'll be ok if he doesn't look at the moon. The windows are all taped up so he'll be ok!" We went back to watching the movie. Titanic is one of my favorite songs!  Out of no where I hear the most beautiful sound ever!  I turned around and Harry was singing "Hey there Delilah"! 

Harry was the only thing i could think of and it was like 3 in the morning! I jumped up out of my chair after a lot of saying "You're an amazing singer!" And stuff. It was like 4 when i stopped! 

"I'm going to bed!" Said Harry,

"I'll come with you!" Said Liam, Niall and I.

"Um, no...Louis is the only one who can sleep with me!" I smiled and looked triumphant if i may say so!

The other two looked really, really upset. I smiled and me and Harry went to our bedroom. 


Harry's POV

I felt really weird. They did what ever i wanted! Louis finally fell asleep and it was 4:00 in the morning! I'm so tired but i wouldn't go outside or anything! Finally i got to sleep at 4:00 in the morning! Thank god! 


Bella's POV

Okay, the boys are great!! Since we've met them and  all! I just hope their first full moon is ok....

Ring!!!!!! RING!!!!!!!

My phone started ringing. Who could be calling at 4 in the morning?! O ;ppled at tje caller ID and it was Harry!! 

"Hello?" I asked 

", i need to talk to you...or one of the other girls...." Said Harry kinda worried, 

"Yeah, what's wronge?" I asked.

"Um, I kinda looked at the moon when i was taking a bath and I started singing and the other boys went into a kinda trance..."

"Oh, um, that sounds like a siren?" 

"Ok, i get it now!" He said like he just had all of his questions answered by me. "Thanks bella!" 

"Um, no problem?" He hung up and i fell asleep. 


Hey guys! Um, my friend kinda gave me the idea of bringing Emma into this and i want to know what you guys think! Tell me and i'll make the next chapter!!!


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