Chapter Five- Then There Were Four!

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Harry's POV

I stayed in bed all day today....Louis wouldn't let me get up! If i had to go pee he told me he had to come with me and i guess i didn't mind that much, but i felt like i was a baby being watched 24/7....

"Hey, boobear, can please go to the couch?" 

"But you should stay in bed, Hazza.... I don't want you hurt again...."

"I know, Lou, but i just want to find something on the telli we can watch together...." I wink at him trying to convince him to let me up. 

"Okay!" Ok, now that sounded alot like a girl... I stiffled a smile thinking to myself that Louis sounded girly and what not. He wrapped his arm around my waist, which sent cold chills down my spine. He lifted me up bridal style and carried me to the couch. He handed me the chanal changer and i looked for a movie for us to watch together. Together.... I am so happy me and him share a room. If we didn't none of this would be happening. 

I scroll through the chanels and find the Titanic. It's to the part where Jack saves Rose from drowning when she jumped off the ship and saves her. 

Louis' arm is wrapped around me and my head is resting in the crook of his neck.  I can tell my hair is bothering him. He kept puting his hand on my head trying to get my hair out of his face so i moved and layed my head in his lap. 

"Are you ok, Hazza?" Louis asked and i noticed he was looking at me. 

"I'm fine! I just thought my hair was bothering you..." 

"Your hair was fine but i kinda like it more with your head on my lap..." He let loose an adorabe smile. I pushed myself up and kissed him. Our lips felt like they belonged together and both moved in perfect harmony. Like the motion of the ocean...(I hope you see what i did there :) ) It was amazing. I was now on my knees in the floor while he was on the couch. I helped him take his shirt off and threw it across the room. I left his lips and left lovebites as i worked my way down his chest. I took a few minutes on his collar bone because when i got there he let a moan escape his beautiful lips. I left there, working my way past his nipples, and down to his happy trial. I put my hands on his crouch and rubbed it outside his pants. 

"Oh my god...." Liam had finally come home and he was in the living room where we were doing stuff. 

"Li! We can explain!" I scream.

"Explain what?! Oh, my two best friend are practically snoging in the living room and one of them is this close to be give the other a blowjob?! There is nothing to explain!" He stomped out of the house and we heard the car start. 

Louis and I looked at each other. We know Liam. He will be back tomorow or something....

 Liam's POV

What the hell where they thinking!? They could of at least told me about their relationship! 

I had no idea where i was going. I think i was headed to the beach. I parked the car at the cliff where we were changed into merfreaks... Yes i said it! I love swimming, and now I can't do it because that stupid moon. I don't want a tail. I don't want to be able to boil water. 

I ran down the slope that was covering the moon pool and i just hopped in. I sat there for about 30 minutes thinking whether or not to go back to Louis and Harry. 

"Now that's amazing...." I heard a famiiar voice say behind me. 

"Niall! What are you doing here!?"

"Oh, i saw you park and run down here. So i decided to see you... Plus remember today we were suppose to hang out." He grinned. 

"Oh, but what did you say was amazing?" 

"Your tail..." Shit, I thought he wouldn't be able to see my tail....

"No wories i won't tell anyone as long as you promice me something..."

"What?" My voice shook. He was acting really mysteriouse and i kinda like it...

"Promise that you will kiss me right here and now..." His bargain totally caught me off gaurd. Of course i will kiss him.... 

"Definatly..." I say. He got down on his knees and put his hand on my neck and pulled me forward. Our lips locked together like it was ment to be. After what felt like an eternity, we gasped for air. 

"What does this mean, Niall?" I asked him. 

"What ever you want, Li..."


Louis' POV

 "I really hope he is okay..." I was pacing the room. Harry won't stop crying because he thinks it's his fault that Liam left. He's been gone for hours. If it was anyones fault it was mine because it was my idea not to tell Liam we were together. 

"We need to go find him!" Harry said suddenly. Just then we heard the door shut and another boy laughing. 

"Liam!! Your back!" Harry tackled Liam to the floor and the other boy just laughed. Wait, was that the boy that showed us where the house was? Niall or something?

"Ouch...Hi Harry...Can you get off of me now i can't breath...." Liam said between gasps for air. 

"Oh sorry..." Harry says innocently. 

"Who is this?" I spoke up. 

"Oh, this is Niall. He is just like us." He put emphasis on "Just". 

"Really? Exactly like us?"

"Yep! My tail is blue with gold specks." 

"Prove it." I say bluntly. 

"Why dont' you trust him Louis!" Liam all of a sudden got really defensive. 

"No, it's okay Li" They exchanged lookes. "If we are gonna make this work, then i have to have your friends trust me." 

"Make what work?" Asked Harry. 

"Liam and I are dating." 

"What!? I'm so happy for you both!" Screamed Harry. He grabbed the two and brought them in a huge hug. 

"Yeah, congrats!" I say. I guess I'm stil down about Liam getting mad at us. 


Liam came back to the living room with a glass of water.  Niall put his finger in it far enough to get it wet. A few seconds later, He was shirtless with a blue tail with gold specks.

"Cool!" Said Harry, "We can all go swimming together now!" 

"I'm sorry for doughting you, Niall." I said. 

"It's okay mate!" 

Niall spent the night that night and shared a room with Liam and stuff. Harry and I stayed up for a little while. So now they're are four of us...Wow. We are going swimming tomorow and we get to see the reef for the first time. 


I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm just making this all up as i go! :) I really hope it's good. Tell me what you think!

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