Chapter Nine- Where'd They Come From?

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Louis POV

We headed out the door and onto the beach. Emma is amazing. She's funny and very supportive. But she does seem to be controlling and bossy to the girls. They don't seem to mind though. She was sharing stories about her trip with her brother and parents. Apparently she went on a cruise. Sounds fun.

The beach is, for the most part, quiet today. It was sunny and I started wondering why no one was around until Chloe practically read my mind.

"These are sea-turtle nesting grounds. Not many people come around here during mating season. Wanna see some?" She asked. She seems genuinely infatuated with these turtle

eggs. Maybe its a hobby? I don't know...

"Just say yes Lou..." Rikki said. "This is her hobby. You're gonna have to get use to it." I just nodded.

We made our way down the sand dunes and I snuck a glance at Harry. He was stumbling and just barely catching himself. I walk a little closer to him and grab his hand. Locking our fingers together. He breaths a thanks because I was all to keep him from falling. I look around as I walk and notice how beautiful the Isle is. Off in the distance is another island and to my left the sun is a few fingers from the horizon. I'm not surprised because it was around 9 when we left. Patches of tall grass were growing around here and there.

Chleo knelt on the ground and everyone stopped as she moved the sand. A small mound of eggs were piled inside a little nest. The nest was made out of the sand so I'm it sure if you would call it a nest or not.

I feel a sudden pang of guilt. Not all those tiny creatures are gonna make it to the ocean. I know that for a fact. I wanna swim with these little things but can't cause not all are gonna live.

"When they hatch, can we be here and help them get to the ocean?" I blurt out.

Chleo smiles, "Of course. I love turtles." She stands back up after covering the eggs with sand again and we head off.

The girls lead us to a patch of rocks by the shore. There's a tide pool big enough for all of us that opens up to open sea.

"This is our secret spot where we slip in and out of the ocean without being seen." Says Rikki, "we didn't show you guys earlier because we didn't trust you completely...sorry" She shrugs.

"That's good to know. Thanks." Says Niall "And how long have we been going to school together? I don't know maybe 10 years."

We all laugh and watch as the girls step in and disappear under the gentle beat of the waves.

"Who's first?" I ask. Harry doesn't day anything but dives in and disappears. A sudden feeling of panic sets into my chest when I realise that he's no where to be seen. I jump in after him. I see his tail and 4 golden ones moving out to where its deeper. I speed myself up and finally catch up to him.

We swim for what feels like hours and we're finally at the girls moon pool. Everyone pops up and I look to my left. I don't know why or how but I scream so loud a piece of the volcano falls off and his the side of the pool.

There's four boys sitting inside the cavern just staring at me and the other boys. Chleo squeals and jumps up onto the side of the pool. As Rikki steam dries her tail and a very geeky looking blond boy comes and greets the girl. They kiss and talk a bit before Chleo introduces everyone.

"Guys, this is my boyfriend Lewis! He's been gone and I didn't know he was coming back!" They kiss and go off up the stairs to the apparent land entrance.

A brown haired boy stands up and looks at us. "And I'm Zain. Rikki's boyfriend." Rikki looks at him and they share a silent message. I decide not to ask.

"I'm Will!" Says a very fit and attractive blond boy.

"I'm guessing you're Bella's boyfriend? Says Liam

"Yep! The one and only!" He smiles and grabs Bella's hand while sitting beside her.


After everyone introduced themselves and after the girls explained what was up with us and all that, we left the boys. So Emma has a boyfriend named Ash, Bella and Will, Chleo and Lewis and last but not least, Rikki and Zain. I don't like him already.

We get back to the house and I fall asleep immediately. All I'm aware of before I fall asleep is Louis laying down beside me and wrapping his arms around me. Then I doze off in sweet paradise, knowing he's gonna be there when I wake up.

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