Chapter 4: kirstie

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A breath hitched within my throat as the shrill ring of the bell echoed throughout the empty room, signalling to students that lesson 3 had started.

Thoughts began wander throughout my head as the seats started to fill up around me. Pupils followed each new figure that entered the room, I began to silently judge each one, wondering what they were like as a person when nobody was watching. Yet again I had taken the space at the back of the classroom hidden from everybody else, however this time, I had picked a seat supposedly already taken.

"Um, excuse me... What are you doing?"

I looked up to see a girl dressed head to toe pink. It took me a while before I realised She had also been in my first class at the front. God I didn't want to deal with her right now.

"Well in case you haven't noticed I'm sitting down in a chair waiting for class to start." I stated the obvious rolling my eyes at her attitude.

She scoffed at me before slamming her hand down on the desk, her bleach blonde curls swaying about dangerously. She bent forward invading personal space before  whispering in my ear.

"Listen hear newbie, I rule this school and nobody messes with me or where I sit. so go sit your ass somewhere else" she hissed.

I quickly came to the realisation that others were beginning to stare our way, many gesturing for me to move also, more out of pity than hate. Knowing it was probably for the best, I moved one seat across into another chair. The blonde Barbie claimed her prize and sat smugly in the space. Too caught up in the situation, I didn't even notice another student approach me.

"Uh hi?" A voice spoke up.

"What now?" I bitterly snapped in the direction where it was coming from. A timid looking boy, much shorter than average height was staring at his feet shuffling uncomfortably in front of me.

"Well, I sit there" this time he actually looked up to meet my less than impressed gazed. Large, round glasses balanced dangerously on the tip of his nose eyes hidden slightly by the mop of blonde hair that was curling in numerous directions over his face.

"Well find somewhere else to sit" My response was bitter and I couldn't look him in the eye as I spoke, too ashamed for snapping at him when he had done nothing wrong. As he scurried away I couldn't help but notice how most of the class laughed at him and his face turn a vibrant shade of red.

"So you really are a bitch" I whipped my head around to see who had insulted me. As I thought, it happened to be the blonde Barbie, although instead of looking at me she was admiring her pastel nails.

"Please, you did the same thing to me don't pretend it's any different" I tried to remind her what she had just done herself.

"Yeah? Honey I'm not the one who made an entertaining entrance into this school and stole the popular girls spot light, think about that. At least I have a reason for my actions, your just so nervous about what others think of you, you'll do anything to hide in the shadows"

I could see where she was coming from but didn't dare say anything, I had always been like this. If I don't let myself care about anybody, then they can't hurt me. How else are you meant to survive? After all, being in so many schools I'd forgotten what it felt like to be accepted.


Before I knew it lunch had already been and gone. Within that short period of time I had been sent to the principal office and been given a detention for disrespecting teachers, apparently a student called Kirstie Robins had made a complaint... turns out Kirstie is the blonde dressed in pink. I now know who I definitely need to avoid...

English was my last lesson. After introducing myself again, I found myself on a table with only one other student. Who had a familiar mop of blonde hair.

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