Chapter 16: Pastel Houses

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"You should go, Cal won't be back for a while and when he does... Well it will be worse than what he's already done. So you guys just go on home, I'll come up with an excuse."

I just stared at Frank not sure if I had just heard him right. "Sorry, I think I misheard that." I stuttered, tumbling over my own words. Frank just smiled and pointed across the stream to a clearer area of the woods. "Head over that way. It's the quickest way out."

"Why are you letting us go?" He had me completely perplexed.

"Because I know you will get caught again, and when you do... It will be my turn." I froze to the spot as he cackled away. Reality caught up to me as I came to my senses and hauled an unconscious Ben onto my back before making a slow escape.

I followed the path that Frank had pointed out, getting caught on trees as the once clear area had already gotten thick with the bush. I pushed all thoughts of my agony and fear to the back of my mind, just focusing on getting out of the hell hole. It wasn't long before we made it through the last of the trees and I placed Ben on the pavement.

Attempting to figure out where we were I took in our surroundings. Unfortunately we had ran so far when Cal was chasing us, that we were just outside one of the richest area in town, well second richest if you consider the Douglas household which was in the opposite direction.

The building loomed over me making my own house look as if it was a shed. Now don't get me wrong it's a nice shed. But we had always been quite short on money. My mum had quit her job to be a stay at home mum when I was born and my dads job didn't have the greatest income.

I snapped out of my little trance when I heard Ben groaning behind me, quickly I rushed to his side. His eyelids were slowly fluttering open. He was still as white as a sheet, blood soaking through the bandage on his leg and fresh liquid coated his exposed torso. Crouching down to his side, I pushed his hair out his eyes, mostly for comfort.

"I'm not dead?" His voice was twisted with pain and shock. I hadn't truly realised how lucky we were to escape out of there alive. Sure we were hurt, but it could of been worse. I smiled though tears as I pulled him to my chest enveloping him into yet another hug. He was quick to return the embrace, his own tears present on my shoulder as we sat there weeping in the middle of an vulnerable area.

Finally letting go of home he also looked around. Maybe he could find our way back since I had never been in this area before. I wiped the back of my hand over my eyes removing the liquid that had settled, frowning when Ben was no longer in front of me. I twirled around to see him walking further into the rows of rich houses.

"Hey? Where you going? This is the rich area, I don't live here." I grabbed his wrist pulling him around so he was facing me. His eyes wide with guilt he set his gaze onto the floor finding a particular tile very interesting.

"No... But I do..."

Wait what?? He lives up here??


He huffed in exhaustion.

"Come on..." Still being in my dazed state, I allowed Ben to lead the way through the never ending rows of houses. I couldn't help but notice how the rows were colour coordinated. Each one a pale pastel shade, shining in the glow of the near by lampposts. The three story buildings particularly caught my eye. I wondered what it would be like to have a stylish attic bedroom without a leak in the roof and a window that actually shut properly.

Ben still hadn't spoken since he had grabbed my hand, instead he stayed in front, leading me. Now and again he would slow down, the pain holding him back, both of us having to stop walking. Although we were both suffering, neither of us wanted to admit it so we kept moving, making sure never to stop for too long. The paranoia setting in.

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