Chapter 6: What The Hell Where You Thinking?!

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Chapter 6: What The Hell Where You Thinking?!

Damon's Pov:

I have no idea what happened to Maddison all i know was it must be pretty bad cause Lexi's face paled and she started to cry... "What happened to her?" i asked worried that she might be dead. "Maddison's hurt we gotta go to the hospital." she rushed. I barely heard her cause she was like already out the door. I followed behind them and climbed in Jacks car. "why do you even care? you obviously were just playing her" Lexi screamed in my face in anger. " i wasnt going to hurt her Lex that wasnt my intention i swear." i said honestly. I didnt want to hurt her. she was just a pretty girl to talk to and me and my girl-well ex girlfriend were in a big fight. "then why would u go all that way to make her birthday so special. she hasnt even read the letter yet. i have, and for your sake u better hope she never reads it." Lexi said with a look in her eyes that made me think she was gonna kill me.

"okay you two try not to kill each other while i park the car. Lexi ill call you to find out what room she is in." we both nodded and walked through the trauma emergency doors. she better be okay, ill feel like shit if she isnt. "excuse me we are looking for Maddison Montgomery?" Lexi said with fear in her voice. i rubbed her back trying to comfort her but all i got was a slap to the arm and a death glare. fucking bitch. "Middle name please?" the women asked politely "Maddison Angel Christina Montgomery" she said carefully. what a beautiful name "shes in trauma room 213" she said with a sad voice. we both looked at each other and proceed down to the room, as we passed by a clock i glanced at the time 436 am holy shit "excuse me are you Lexi?" a doctor said as he approached us.  she nodded waiting for him to continue." we are talking Maddison in for surgery at the moment so if you could please wait in the room" he said with a stern voice. "surgery for what?" she asked scared and brought us in the room and sat us down. "Im not 100% sure as to what happened to her all i know is she has multiple stab wounds as well as two bullet entries. she needs some tissue repair as well as to get the bullets out. she also has massive cuts all down her legs and arm, looks to be from a blade of some sort, but they look older then the stab wounds. we think she might of done that to herself." the doctor finished. i sat there in shock. Lexi was bawling and by this time Jack was in the room holding her this is probably all my fault i felt the anger build inside me. whoever fucking did this to her is gonna be dead.

7 hours later
"Lexi" the doctor said coming into the room "how is she? is she gonna be okay?" Lexi said rushing and standing to her feet. The look on the doctors face didnt look very appealing. "ive got some bad news, during surgery Maddison's heart stopped 2 time, both times we were able to revive her, but the condition she is in is far worse than we thought.. Maddison is still breathing but shes fallen into a coma, im very sorry. shell be brought in her in a moment." the doctor said and walked out the room. "What the hell happened to her?!" i yelled throwing a book across the room. i seem to of startled Lexi, but she gave me an understanding look. i felt a small pair of arms wrap around me. i broke down. "this is all my fault! i should of ran after her when i seen her in the afternoon." i cried as Lexi held me. "Damon this isnt your fault. we are evem sure what had happened fully yet." Lexi softly spoke trying to calm me down. just then the doctor came in with Maddison hooked up to all different kinds of things. it broke my heart. " Lexi the police are gonna come in here to talk to you" she was to upset to speak so she just nodded. two police officers came in closing the doors behind them." hello im officer Justin and this is officer James." they started. "we would like to ask you a few questions Lexi if you dont mind." she nodded waiting for them to continue "when was the last time you had contact with Maddison?" "yesterday morning" "did she have any plans of harming herself or putting herself in danger?" "no of course not Maddison has been clean of self harm for almost a year and a half now" "do u know why she might have been out in the country?" "thats her calming place, we had a bit of a disagreement cause i didnt tell her where i was going the night before so she was scared and angry" "anything else that could of upset her?" "a guy was leading her on" she said quietly and looked away from me "okay well heres what happened to her, we found Maddison somewhere in a forest just off the broader line, she was stripped down and was barely breathing, we seen 5 men possibly in there early 20's running to her car and drove away, as i looked closely to Maddison i relaized she wasnt just rapped, but stabbed multiple times as well as shot, and beaten. her left eye was almost swollen shut and her lips were busted open. we havent caught the people who did this to her yet but heres where i think it was a targeted attack" the cop got up and went over towards Maddison. we all got up and followed.

"on her arm is says beware of the scarlet moon, when the wolfs come out to fight. i beieve that this wasnt an accident. but an attempted murder."

hope you enjoyed it!!! what do u think will happen to Maddison now? what will Damon do? like comment and tell your friends!!! picture of what Damon looks like!!!

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