Chapter One

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Harry was just finishing his Transfiguration essay when Hermione ran in the common room, an old book held in her arms. She sat across from Harry, bouncing in her seat.

Harry looked up at her. "Something wrong?"

"No." Hermione shook her head. "Harry this might be rude but can I see your scar?"

Harry blinked. "Uh...sure. Go ahead."

"Thanks." She brushed aside his fringe. "The rune Sowilo, also known as the sun rune. And a sun produces light." She muttered.

"Do I want to know?" Harry asked.

Hermione shoved the book at him. Harry looked at the page she was pointing to.

Four born in two years, the heir of the snake will be touched by the light, raven haired and green eyes, he will have many near death experiences. The heir of the eagle shall be the heir of the snake's beloved, brown eyes and hair, she will stand by the heir of the snake forever. The heir of the lion shall be a friend unknown, clumsy and forgetful, he will always have his brother's back. The heir of the badger shall be beloved by the heir of the lion, acquaintances to the heir of the snake and heir of the eagle, she will have loyalty like no other. They will meet, and together destroy the rising darkness.

"I don't get it." Harry said.

Hermione huffed. "This is by the Founders, Harry. That prophecy was made by Rowena Ravenclaw herself. It speaks of their true heirs. No one else has any claim of being the heir of a founder besides the four described here."

"So?" Harry asked.

"So, you're the heir of Slytherin. The true heir." Hermione said. "'Touched by the light' that's your scar, it's the perfect shape of the sun rune, aka, the light rune. 'Raven haired and green eyes', obvious really. 'Many near death experiences'. It all fits. It's you. You even speak Parseltongue!"

Harry wanted to argue but couldn't. Hermione was right, that perfectly described him. "Then who do you think the others are?" He asked.

"I think Neville is the heir of Gryffindor. He's a hidden friend, clumsy, forgetful, and he's always had your back." Hermione pointed out. "I'm not sure about the other two though."

Harry took another look at the prophecy. "Brown eyes and hair, always stands by me... Hermione, you're the heir of Ravenclaw."

Hermione shook her head. "I can't be. It says early that the heir of Ravenclaw is loved by the heir of Slytherin."

Harry raised an eyebrow, taking his chance to tell Hermione how he felt about her. "Who says I don't love you?"

Hermione stopped. "Wait, what?"

Harry sighed. "Here goes nothing. Mione, I've always had a crush on you. It just took me until you were petrified to realize it. Last year, when you were hit by that curse, I realized it wasn't a crush. It was more than that."

Hermione gasped. "Harry, I've liked you since the troll incident." She said. "I didn't think you liked me back."

"Will you go out with me?" Harry asked Hermione.

"Yes." Hermione replied. She hugged Harry and he hugged her back.

"Let's go get Neville and explain it all." Harry muttered. They stood, Hermione grabbed the book, and they first checked the boy's dorms. Fortunately, he was there.

"Hey Harry, Hermione. What's up?" He asked, looking up from his mimbelus mimbletonia.

Harry and Hermione explained what they had discovered to him. "...and now we're dating." Hermione finished.

Harry Potter and the Prophecy of the FoundersWhere stories live. Discover now