~Chapter 1~

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      "We're here. We're finally here." I say as I drop the bags on the floor and look up at him. He leans forward and carefully puts his lips to mine. I close my eyes and start to feel the butterflies begin to flutter. I pull away and look down at my feet.
        "Come on Katniss, it's just a little kiss." He says as he gently grabs my waist and pulls me in. I lie my head on his chest and I smile. He places his chin on my head and we stand there in silence taking in each other's embrace.
         "Peeta. Stay with me?"
           I wake up with my my face buried in his chest. I feel the warmth of his body radiate off of him and I want to stay in his embrace forever. I manage to turn my head though, just enough to see his blue eyes beaming down on me. I blush and go back. He chuckles and squeezes my shoulder. Then he carefully sits up and rests his head against the headboard. I sit up as well, still making sure that his arm is wrapped tightly around me.
         "No nightmares again last night. That must make it what? Two weeks since your last one." Peeta says as if I should be handed an award right about now.
         "Nope. I don't remember having a dream at all." I say trying to think back. He rubs my back.
         "That's good. Right? You don't sound very happy about it." I run my fingers through my hair. I don't want to yell. I don't want to get mad at him. He's just innocently asking a question. I take a deep breath in and place a fake smile on my face as I look up at him.
           "Oh. Yeah! I am very happy about it. It's been nice getting full nights of sleep."
           "Good. Well, Haymitch is probably going to talk to us about the new laws and standards that President Paylor has set. So we should probably be getting ready. I'm going to go take a shower." He says as he kisses my head and gets out of bed.
I slide under the covers not wanting to get out. I close my eyes hoping I can get a few more minutes of sleep in before Peeta gets done. I close my eyes and doze off.
I wake up to a horribly loud ring. I quickly get up and run to the phone trying to stop the noise as quickly as possible.
          "What do you want?" I say rudely through the phone.
          "Well good morning to you too Sweetheart." Haymitch says with a chuckle.
        "What is it Haymitch? I was trying to sleep."
         "I'm sorry Sweetheart. I was just making sure you were up and ready your sisters funeral in a couple of hours. It is today you know."
I drop the phone. My mouth flies open and I can feel my lip begin to tremble.
        "Prim..." I manage to squeak out. The room goes silent and I slowly sink to the floor. I pull my knees to my chest and begin to sob. The memory's come flooding back and all I can picture is her horrified face as she is called in the reaping, and as the bomb goes off. The same face appears in both of those images. The face that Prim only shows when she is truly horrified. The scream. The scream of horror. The Jabberjays. It is all coming in and it won't go away. I grab my ears and rock back and forth in a repetitive motion. I soon begin to scream. I don't stop. I scream louder and louder.
My eyes are sealed shut and I can't do anything but scream. This lasts for about 5 minutes before I hear footsteps come running in. In an instant Peeta's arms are tightly wrapped around my body.
         "Shhhh. Shhh. Katniss. It's ok. It will be ok. I'm her now. It's ok." He coos. I have stopped screaming but my tears continue to fall down my face. Her golden hair. Her two braids. Her duck tail.  Her smile. Her scream. Her kind spirit. Her gentle touch. Her soul. It's all gone. She's all gone. And I'm not getting her back. My little duck isn't coming home.
I grab his arms and stay there. I stay there and don't move. I don't want to move. I want to stay in his loving, warm, comforting embrace forever.
          "Yes?" He's says with a sympathetic smile.
          "Stay with me?" I ask already knowing the answer. His arms squeeze my shoulders and he kisses the top of my head.
         "Always." He says as sways me back and forth,
                   never letting go.

Ok so this is my first book on Wattpad. Please leave your positive comments and give me a VOTE! Thank you so much for reading! Hope you liked it! 😊😘

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