Chapter 11

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💦Katniss' POV💦

"PEETA!" I scream running over to his body lying flat on the floor. I lean over his chest and make sure he is still breathing. I sit up and I feel something wet on my hand. I look at my hand and it is covered in blood. I look to his head and it is also covered in blood. The glass cut his forehead wide open and blood was flowing out of it. I gagged once I saw it but I sucked it up and looked at it again. I quickly grab the nearest cloth I could find and harshly hold pressure to his wound. I tie it tightly around his head and I wipe his face with another cloth so he isn't covered in blood. I then scream for someone to help. Gale has run out and away like a coward and I am left here with Peeta alone.

Soon Greasy Sad comes out and she calls for some help.

I am lying by Peeta as he lays unconscious on the cold cement floor. I squeeze his hand every once in a while to give him some kind of sign that I'm still with him. I'm sobbing. My head is spinning with questions I don't know how to answer.

Why would Gale ever hurt Peeta? Why did Gale call Peeta lucky for getting the girl? Do Peeta and Gale secretly have a competition? Is Peeta going to be OK? Will the injuries be fetal? Will someone every come and help us?

Sae is still sitting with Peeta and I. She is consistently rubbing my back in a circular motion to try and calm me down but it honestly doesn't seem to be working. We have changed the bandages from his forehead a few times but the bleeding doesn't seem to be stopping.

I am about to get up and take him somewhere myself when the ambulance drives up and paramedics jump out. They quickly scan Peeta's body for an other injury besides the forehead and they take the cloth off. Then they place a type of lotion medicine on it to help it heal faster. It takes them about 30 minutes to finish the work that they did, but once they were done I expected them to lift him up on a gurney and take him to the hospital. Instead, they get up and one man stays for a minute to tell me what is happening.

"Okay. So Peeta really has no permanent damage. But he does have temporary damage. He won't be able to lift his head full for the next few days and the best thing that you could do is make him lie down and rest. The man who did this has been caught and he is being prosecuted as we speak," I stop listening for a minute. Gale is caught. Is he going to jail? "With the medication we have given him and if you follow the directions I just have you. Everything will be okay. Got it?" He asks me trying to get me to recap his whole speech.
"Yeah. Yeah I think so." I say still as if I'm off in a daze. I look down at Peeta. He is sleeping so peacefully. Honestly. Why do all the bad things happen to him? The paramedic leaves with his crew and now it is just Sae and I here.

We lift Peeta's back up and he awakens. He groans and runs his forehead.

"Hey Peeta." I say bringing a smile to my face. "How are you feeling? Are you good enough to walk home or should I call a cab?" I ask gently rubbing his hand.

"No, no I'm good. I can walk a few blocks." He says as he continues to run his forehead.

"Okay, if you say so." I grab one arm and Sae grabs the other and we stand him up. I wrap one of his arms around my neck so that most of his wait is on me.

"Thanks Sae! Hopefully the next time we come this won't happen." I say walking out of the door. "So do you remember anything Peeta? I mean before you were knocked out?"

"I think I remember having a flashback of when I hit you in the head with a block. It scared me Katniss. I didn't want you to be hurt like that again. I remember reaching out and grabbing his wrist. He said a few words I don't remember and then the last thing I heard was..." he stopped and looked into my eyes. "I heard you call my name Katniss. You screamed it. Why did you do that?" He asks innocently.

"I don't know. Why wouldn't I. My best friend was almost killed by my other best friend. It's the only thing that came to mind I guess." I say. I feel my face get red as I begin to blush. I wanted to tell him more of the answer but I don't think it's the right time to tell him that I loved him.

"What happened after I was knocked out?"

"Gale took off out of the door and Sae and I cleaned you up and put a bandage on your forehead so you wouldn't lose as much blood. Then the ambulance came and that was pretty much when you woke up."

"So Gale ran out?"

"Yeah. They caught him though, he is being prosecuted as we speak. I think he may be going to prison." I tell him feeling kind of guilty just thinking about it.

"I'm sorry Katniss." He tells me giving my shoulder a squeeze.

"It's okay. What he did was wrong and he shouldn't get away with it."

We finally reach the house and as soon as we get inside Peeta goes straight to bed. I soon become tired and I walk up to the room quietly hoping that I do t wake him up. I almost made it safely into the covers when I heard a voice.

"It's not working." Peeta whispers into my ear. I smile and turn my head to his. "You're not very quiet." I laugh and get into the bed.

"Who said I was trying to?" I say.

"No one said anything. You can see a lot through actions Katniss." He says laughing as well.

"You little dweeb. Go back to sleep." I say messing up his hair.

"I need something though." He says in a serious tone. I turn my head and look at him kind of nervously.

"What?!" I snap back.

"I need you... to give me... a good nights kiss." He says and puckers his lips. I let out a sigh and roll my eyes. I lean over and I peck his lips.

"There. Now goodnight." I say laying down in my side.

"Really? That's all I get. Even with a hurt forehead?" I smile and I turn my body so I'm laying on my other side. Our faces are inches apart and we are both staring directly into each other's eyes. "You can do better than that Katniss. I know you can." He smiles. I smile as well and then I slowly grab his face and give him a passionate kiss. Just as I'm about to stop he gently grabs my face and proceeds to kiss me. I feel the butterflies in my stomach. We break apart and once again stare into each other's eyes.

"That's more like it." He says with a grin. I roll my eyes and I scoot in closer to his chest. I close my eyes and I fall asleep to the beat of his heart.
I don't do this honestly at all but I really want to give a shoutout to a really awesome person that I have become friends with. joshhutchersonlover2
Thank you for just being an Amazing author and an Amazing person! 😘❤️

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