~Chapter 6~

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Dear Prim,

It's been a year now since Peeta got out from the stable house. Within that year. We have gone back to the capital twice for update interviews with Caesar Flickerman. I have moved into Peeta's house permanently. And Gale has officially moved into district 2 for good. As of now my life is peaceful. Haymitch is trying to become sober but it's not working out very well. Every time I go to his house he is passed out on the floor, his house reeks of alcohol, and glass is shattered everywhere. Peeta has gotten his bakery up and running. And I have started to hunt again. Peeta and I have grown closer since the whole mental break down that he had, and it has felt really good to know that he will be there when I need him.
Right now I am sitting at the trunk of the willow tree that the wooden swing is on. I'm writing this letter to you for a reason. As I sit here staring at the Primroses that are planted next to my feet. I only remember the good memories about you. I remember all the adventures we would have in the seam. The games we would play in our room. The food we would make only on super special occasions. And our laughter that filled the room. I then remembered all of the times when we would come out here, we would sit down by dads grave and cry, laugh, and write. We would write letters to him and send them down the creek as if they would someday get to him. So that is why I'm here. I'm here writing to you about the things you already know. But this makes me feel better on the inside to know that someone's listening.
So I'm going to go now. I'm going to send it down the creek with little hope that you will receive it. I miss you and I love you little duck. Don't ever leave me.

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