Chapter 7

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"Katniss. I don't want to." Peeta says.
"Peeta. I know you don't. But you have too. It's not that bad. Just walk in, get it over with, and walk out. You'll be fine."

"That's not the point Katniss. I don't want to go in there. They are crazy and mean. Who knows what they will do to me."

"Peeta. They have changed. It's not the same people from when you were tortured. They are all new doctors who have been tested by President Paylor. You can trust them." I say as I give him a sympathetic smile. I take my thumb and rub against his face. He gives me a weak smile and a tear runs down his cheek. I lean in and give him a reassuring kiss. I entwine my fingers in his and give his hand a squeeze. We break apart and put our foreheads together. Then he asks the question I was expecting him to ask.

"Stay with me?"

"Always." I whisper. We turn to the door and walk in.


"Alright Peeta. I'm going to stick needle  this in your arm for just a little bit. Is that ok?" Dr. Sullivan asks. I look at him and his eyes are bulging out. He is turning pale, and he is terrified.

"Um, Dr. Sullivan. Is there another way to put the medicine in him. That way, that way just doesn't work for him." I say quickly. I hear him let out a sigh. I look at him and see him mouth the words thank you. I smile and relax as well.
The rest of the check-up was on how well he has been doing on his attacks and how he handles them. When she finished the check-up I could tell that Peeta wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.
I did the signing on the papers and checked us out. Then I grabbed Peeta and we got out of that place. We made it to the train station just in time to get on and we found our seats. We both let out a loud sigh and let our heads fall against the head rest. I turn my head towards him. He smiles and laughs.
"What!?" I laugh.
"Nothing!" He chuckles.
"Peeta!" I say hitting his arm. He blushes.
"Nothing. You're just so cute." He tells me. I feel my face get red. I hate it when he does that. I don't need nor deserve compliments like that.
"Peeta quit. You know I hate that." I say as I turn and face forward.
"Come on Katniss. Give yourself some respect sometimes. You know everything I tell  you is true."
"Fine. But don't do it anymore. I don't need it." I say as I plant a frown on my face.
"Ok Katniss." He says with a smirk.

I then close my eyes and I'm out like a light.


"Katniss. Katniss wake up. We're home." Peeta says nudging me with his elbow.
I open my eyes and it is pitch black outside. I don't know what time it is but I do know that all I want to do is go to sleep. I yawn, stretch my arms, and stand up. Peeta holds my hand and sort of guides me off of the train. The cold air wakes me up and I am now realizing that we have a long walk in the dark ahead of us.
The street lights light the way to our house. The whole time I have my left hand in Peeta's right hand and my head on his shoulder. We don't say a word to each other the whole way. Not because we were mad, we just weren't fully awake. It was about a 15 minute walk but we eventually made it home.
He unlocked the door and we walked into dark home. It scared me at first but then Peeta turned on the lights and I relaxed a little. We went straight upstairs to go to bed. Peeta went into the bathroom to get ready and I plopped down on the bed.

Peeta soon walked in and laughed. I didn't move a muscle. He wrapped his arms around me and, surprisingly, lifted me up to move the covers from underneath me. He gently set me back down and put the covers over me. He went to his side of the bed and climbed in. He scooted in closer to me and wrapped his warm, comforting arms around me. I turned my body so I was facing is chest and closed my eyes. A smile grew over my face and I asked the question.
"Stay with me?" I felt him breathe in and out and then smoothly answer my question.
"Always Katniss. Always." He squeezes my body and I fell to sleep by the sound of his heartbeat. I love Peeta Mellark.

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