Chapter 15

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-13 months later-

Katniss' POV

"Oh Heavens no!" Effie yells as I walk out of the fitting room with the 100th dress on. I roll my eyes and swirl back around to try on the last dress in the room.

It flows gracefully down by my feet and it hugs my waist. The diamonds shimmer along my chest and the lace at the neck is perfectly arranged in a spiral motion. I look at the mirror and my gaze becomes very heavy. This dress is beautiful. It's the one.

I hike up the bottom of the dress and stomp my way out to Effie.

I don't even bother looking at her expression before the words fall from my lips.

"Effie. I don't want to hear it. This dress is the dress that I want to be wearing when I stand at the alter preparing myself to be married to the love of my life. If you have any negative comments or disagrees then you can walk right out those doors and you can see me at the wedding!" With that, I turn back around and I slam the door to the dressing room closed. I let out a huge sigh of relief and reach back to unzip the dress.

About half way down the zipper stops and won't go any farther. I yank on it hard a couple times but it soon begins to hurt my arm. I roll my eyes and stand up. I walk out of the room and turn to Effie. She looks surprised to see me still in the dress.

"Effie. I need your help. The zipper got stuck." Her hand moves up to her mouth as she lets out a small giggle.

"Come, come. I can help with that." She says giving me a shooing motion with her hands.

We walk into the room and I feel her cold hand touch my back. A shiver went down my spine and I laugh.

"I'm sorry about my outburst earlier. But as soon as I saw this dress I knew it was the one."

"Well dear, if you would have let me talk, I would've told you how much I love it! This dress is beautiful Katniss. I think Peeta will absolutely adore it." A small grin appears at the corner of my lips when I think of the sight of my fiancé standing at the alter waiting for me to walk down the aisle. Another chill goes shooting down my spine and a small tear slips down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away and turn to face Effie.

"Thank you Effie. It means so much to me that you care."

She gives me a little shove and tells me to go get changed into my normal outfit. I walk into the room and throw on my dark jeans and an army green    t-shirt. I slip on my brown boots and tuck the laces into the sides. Then I throw my brown leather jacket over my shoulder. I gently place the wedding dress in a plastic bag and I walk out of the room. Effie is already standing at the register and by the time I get there, the dress is payed for and Effie is leading the way out the door.

About 15 minutes later we arrive back at my house, which is packed full of family and friends from all around, a couple news channels to broadcast our wedding, and of course, my prep crew from the capitol. Seeing all of these people makes my stomach turn upside down and I must have looked like it too because I quickly feel a squeeze on my knee from Effie.

"Remember Katniss, they are here for you. You are not here for them this time." I give her another half smile and inhale deeply. We get out of the car and begin greeting both familiar and unfamiliar faces. By the time I reach my room, close to about 100 hands have touched mine. I walk to the bathroom and quickly wash them off just before my prep team knocks on my door.

"Come in." I say in a high pitched whisper. One, two, three, four, five. Five people walk in each carrying there own box of materials. I shuffle across the floor and sit in a chair placed in front of a mirror.

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