Chapter 14

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Peeta's POV

My hands are sweating more than a pig. My head is spinning and my thoughts are getting out of control. I am getting second thoughts on the whole thing but every time those thoughts pop up in my head I quickly erase them because I know that Katniss is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with.

As I slowly approach her door. I swallow anything and everything I have ever worried about down, hoping they don't come spilling back out. I twist the doorknob and walk inside. She is sitting in the kitchen reading a book. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Where have you been?" She asks me.

"I had to run to the bakery and drop off some supplies. I was in a hurry and I really didn't have time to mention anything. Sorry." I saying lying through my teeth. I feel guilty about lying to her but I'm sure she will understand later on.

"Oh. Well if that was all then I guess I shouldn't be worried." She says giving me a grin.

"Nope. Not at all." I smile back at her. This time more confidently. There is no reason to ever be afraid of Miss Katniss Everdeen. Unless of course, she wants you to be.

I grab the chair and flip it around so I am sitting in it backwards. She sets the books down and folds her arms.

"Yes?" She asks me.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask her with a smirk.

"Peeta. You want something. Why else would you just come and sit down in front of me like that. You want something."


"So tell me what you want."

"You want the truth? Okay. I want you, to pretend that what happened last night never happened. But we both know that won't happen. So, I want you to stand up and walk straight into the living room."

"Right now?" She asks.

"No Katniss, tomorrow." I say sarcastically. She stands up and walks slowly into the living room.

"Okay. Now what?" She asks cautiously. 

"Stare straight out of the window and don't move." I tell her. She looks towards the window and I slowly creep up behind her. I pull the cloth I have in my pocket out and gently place it over her eyes.

"Peeta! What are you doing?!!" She screams. She seems to have mixed emotions. I make sure the cloth is tight enough and then I wrap my arms around her waist.

"Are you willing to trust me?" I whisper into her ear. "Because if not I can take this blind fold off for you."

"I trust you Peeta." She whispers back at me with a small but beautiful smile. I smile back and I take her hand. I lead her to the door and then turn around and I lift her off of her feet.

"Peeta! Put me down." She manages to say between her laughs.

"I can't do that. You'll know where we would be going if you felt the surroundings. That wouldn't be any fun." I say as I kiss her forehead and laugh. I walk outside and then I head down the path towards the meadow.

Once we reach the little cement house, I set her down in the dirt.

"Don't. Move." I tell her as I quickly ran into the house. I grab the picnic basket I packed earlier and the ring. I walked back and I took ahold of her hand. I lead her to the shore of the lake and I untied the blind fold. She smiled in Aw of the beautiful scenery in front of us. I sat down and opened the basket. She sat down next to me and we ate our lunch in peace as we admired the beautiful world surrounding us.

When we were done eating I quickly picked up and then we once again just we sat there. I decided to make things a little exciting for a change. I threw my shirt off and I got up and jumped into the water causing the water to splash all over her. She screamed and laughed and not too long after she jumped in with me. We splashed each other on and off and I couldn't seem to get rid of the smile on my face. Her laughter echoed through the trees and her smile seemed to be brighter than the sun. She must if caught me staring at her because she swam closer towards me. She stopped right at my chest.
Katniss' POV

I looked up at him and smiled. We looked dirty into each other's eyes and stared at each other. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled in closer. He brought his head down and out lips met. He put his hands into my head and removed my hair from my face. I wrapped my legs around his and I slowly pulled away. I laid my forehead into his and I closed my eyes.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too." He replies.

We stand there in each other embrace for awhile before we get out. We walk up the beach holding hands and kicking the sand onto each other's feet. He stops and he sits down. He pulls me down with him and I sit down on his lap with his arms wrapped around me. He makes me feel secure. I look up and him and he looks down towards me. He gives me his sweet, warm smile.

"This really has been one of the best days of my life." I tell him. He kisses the top of my head.

"Could I make it a little bit better?" He asks me. My heart stops.

"You can try." I say looking back at the lake. Then just like that, he pulls a small, black box out of his pocket and he slowly opens it. My hands fly up to my mouth and the waterworks begin. I stand up from his lap and he gets down on one knee. Tears are falling down my face and he has tears forming in his eyes. He smiles at me and he grabs my hand.

"Not a lot of people can say that they got married to their kindergarten crush, or their "hero", or their district partner in the Hunger Games. Not a lot of people can say that they still love someone after they have been tortured and beaten practically to death just to lose that love for that specific person. And not a lot of people can say that they are married to "The Girl on Fire" or Miss Katniss Everdeen. But I want to be that person who can say every single one of those things. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

"Of course I will Peeta. I love you." I whisper to him I say as I practically sob all over his shoulder. He slips the ring on my finger and then he stands up.

I'm going to be married.

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