Chapter 7

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(It's Anna's POV again. Don't get confused1

"You brought baby mama home with you!?" Luke asked, cracking up at his remark. A different kid was with him.

"Dude. Cut it out." Cameron shook his head. "This is Anna. Anna, this is Luke and Ian." 

"Hi, I'm Anna. Nice to meet you." I walked over to them and shook their hands. My flip flops squeaked as I walked. 

"We're only kidding." Luke offered a sincere apology. 

"It's okay." I smiled. "I'm sorry. I'm really wet. It's pouring outside." 

"Don't worry about it. We were just going to order a pizza." Ian said. "Do you guys want to join? The game's gonna be on soon."

I looked at Cameron. He shrugged his shoulders, meaning that it was fine by him. I turned back around and nodded. "Sure! We'll join." 

Luke raised his arms and shouted. "FOOOTBAAAALLLLLLLL!" Everyone laughed, including me. I was just laughing at the his face turning cherry red when he shouted.

"Want a beer?" Luke asked when everyone stopped laughing.

My hand went up to my stomach. "I can't."

"Oh, right. Sorry about that." Luke put his hands up in surrender.

"It's fine." I nodded. Cameron placed his hand lightly on my lower back. 

"We're actually just going to dry off." He said. 

"Nice meeting you guys! See you in a few!" I said nicely.

I followed Cameron upstairs. "I'm sorry about them." He said when we went in the bedroom. "They can be a pain." 

"No, it's alright. They're actually pretty nice, when they don't call me baby mama." 

"They're just kidding, I swear. I know they're rude." 

"Don't worry about it." I said. I opened my suitcase and got a pair of long pants, underwear, and a tank top out. "But really, I don't want you to have to feel like you have to take me in and take care of me. I should go to a hotel." 

"Please, Anna. I want you to stay here. I do. I promise." Cameron came up behind me and kissed my neck. "Please?" 

"Fine." I giggled. "I'm going to change." I walked into the bathroom and took my wet clothes off. We'd stayed at the park for a really long time, even in the cold rain. We tried going into Starbucks, but they wouldn't let us in because we were soaked. We'd just laughed and ran away. 

I slipped my pants on over my dry underwear. My plain tank top went on easily. I walked out of the room and picked up my room. I stood in front of the full-length mirror and combed out my hair. I put it up in a high pony tail and sprayed my vanilla perfume on my clothes and neck; I didn't want to smell like a wet dog. 

"Are you done yet?" I heard Cameron's voice. I didn't even realize that he was on the bed behind me. I walked over and sat down next to him. I shivered when I sat down.

"I didn't notice how cold it was. Wait. Let me find my sweat shirt." I got up and opened my suitcase. I searched through it and I couldn't find it. "I know it's in here somewhere. Hold on." 

"Here." I looked up at Cameron holding a sweat shirt. 

"Thanks." I smiled and put the sweat shirt over my head. I sat down next to him.

"You never told me how you felt before." I said, remembering when we were by the river. I didn't look up at him.

"I thought you'd know when I kissed you." He said. I just shrugged. "I like you, Anna. I like you a lot. That's why I want you to stay. I never ever felt like this about a girl I met a day ago." I smiled. "I know, we met yesterday, but I've already kissed you multiple times, and we already know each other's stories. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that there's something already formed between us." 

I looked at him. "You mean that?" I asked. I felt like crying. I'd be crying tears of happiness, or tears of love, though. I've never had anyone tell me that. Not even Darren. And I'd had sex with him. 

"I do." He leaned in and kissed me gently. 

I knew he didn't love me, though. I didn't love him either... yet. But I definitely liked him. But what he'd said was right. There was some kind of connection, and it wasn't hard to understand. No one ever made me laugh like he did. I never felt like a princess around anyone. No one ever treated me like I was theirs in such a short amount of time. And I liked that about Cameron. 

"We should go downstairs." I said without looking at him. I stood up and he followed. We went downstairs as the pizza arrived. 

"Finally. What took you two so long?" Luke asked. "Makin' out with your girlfriend?" He teased. 

"She's not my girlfriend." Cameron said. When no one was looking, he leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Yet." 

I smiled at the thought of Cameron being my boyfriend. 

"Come on, sit down, why don't ya?" Ian said. He pulled out a chair. "For the lady." He smiled and I sat down. 

"What a gentleman." I pretended to be super pleased. Cameron smiled and sat down at the chair to my right. It was a square table with 4 chairs, so he was sort of next to me. 

"Are you sleeping over?" Luke asked me. 

"Yeah, I-"

"Anna's staying for a while." Cameron interrupted. I looked at him. "Right?"  He added.

"Right." I said and he smiled.

"Oh, so you two ARE dating?" Ian asked. 

"No." I said. "Just friends." 

"For now." Cameron added on to my sentence. 

"Why are you staying here for a while? I mean, I don't mind. I'm just curious." Luke asked and then took a bite out of his pizza. 

"You don't have to tell them." Cameron said quietly to me. 

"No, it's okay. I don't really mind." I told him. I turned back to the other guys. "My parents kicked me out of my house. I'm 19 anyways, so I'm allowed to live out of the house. But they didn't really want me there." I looked down at my plate, not wanting to cry. "I disgusted them." 

"I'm sorry for asking." Luke said. "What about the... boyfriend?" 

"Luke-" Cameron warned. 

"It's okay." I told Cameron. "He's just curious." I looked at Luke. "He doesn't want the baby. He told me that he'd go as far as killing me so that he wouldn't be a father. He punched me instead, and then just walked away. But it's okay. I don't mind." I looked back down at my untouched pizza. A tear fell onto it. "I'm sorry." I sniffled. 

"You didn't have to tell us." Ian said. 

"No, it's okay! Trust me. I don't keep it from people. I feel like it made me a stronger and better person." I looked up and smiled at them. "People throw rocks at things that shine." 

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