Becoming Ronnie: 14.

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People pushed their way through – like they did before but many who shoved me now stopped to apologise.

Tyson had his hand on the lower of my back, guiding my through the people. He didn’t say anything. He just kept me walking through. I didn’t like the fact that I was being touched, but I was grateful that he was touching me instead of Johnson.


Oh god, what if… I stopped walking and someone bumped into me, along with Tyson.

What if this was all a plan?

 What if Tyson and Johnson had put on an act?

What if he had gone down a different corridor and meet us somewhere and they’d bully me there?

I quickly pushed myself away from Tyson and began walking down the corridor – he soon followed.

“Hey!” He said soothingly. “Where are you going?”

“I didn’t do anything.” I mumbled. “I don’t appreciate your plan.

“Plan?” he asked.


“What plan?"

I suddenly stopped and turned around to face him. He looked confused; his eyebrows were furrowed together, too.

“You and Johnson, you thought it through didn’t you. Pretend to fall out, did you? Get me somewhere quieter!"

He frowned harder and them his mouth formed a little ‘o’ shape as he suddenly realised what I was talking about. I waited for him to scowl me, but he didn’t. Instead, he threw his head back and laughed – loudly.

“What?! I muttered, glaring at him. “What’s so funny?” I didn’t appreciate him laughing.

There was nothing to laugh about.

“It’s ju-just you make me laugh!”

“Why?” I was getting angry – I never get angry, well, not really. a woman should be professional and in control of her emotions at all times.

“I hate Johnson!”

I was officially lost. “What? He’s like your best-friend…”

“I was using him to make me popular but I was fed up with the way he was treating you so I have enough. I couldn’t put up with his sh—”

“Don’t swear!”

“Uh… I couldn’t put up with his garbage any longer.”

“Y-You don’t like him?”

“Not at all.” Tyson said. “In-fact I couldn’t care less if he left today and didn’t come back.”

Narrowing my eyes at him, I looked to see if he was lying or not.

I turned around again and kept walking.

“I’m sorry, Ronnie—” he began but I cut him off.

“What did you expect? Huh? I’d forgive you for laughing at me all this time just because you’re really a two-faced person who punched their ‘friend’ in the face.”

“If you think about it, I never laughed.”

He was right, he’d never laughed at me. It was all of his other followers that laughed – not Tyson.

“Still, did you expect to just come in and… and…” what was he doing? Making friends? I don’t know… “and receive my forgiveness?”

“Yes.” He said, but then when I glared at him again his smile faded. “No…? No.”

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