Chapter 3: Always Faking Sick

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in the past 2 days I have been busy. I also changed Ty's last name to Parks.

SoRRy and hope you enjoy this chapter.

Pic of Austin, up there.


Right now we were standing on the Parks' porch. Dad rang the doorbell while mum was holding a homemade cake. After a short 20 seconds, Mr Parks opened the door.

"Heeeeyyyyyyy!" Mr Parks stretched out the 'y'. After we all said our greetings, I went and sat down in the living room, and got my phone out to read. Mum went to help Mrs Parks, while dad and Mr Parks grabbed a beer and joined me.

"So Gabi, how is school?" Mr Parks asks.

"Good!" I try and keep my answers short so that I can get back to my book. I seriously wasn't in the mood to talk about anything.

"That's good. How is Ty? Is he giving you any trouble?" He asks me this all the time. I hate this question because Mr parks knows about how Tyler and I drifted apart yet he keeps asking me questions about him. Like how am I supposed to know? If anything I am supposed to be asking you.

"Nah!" I say with a forced smile on my face. Mr Parks smiles and continues his conversation with dad. A few minutes later the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Ty says as he rushed down the stairs. I didn't know they were expecting someone other than us.

"That must be Ty's girlfriend, Ty invited her to meet the family. You guys are family to us, so we thought you guys must be here." Mr Parks explained.


Today was NOT my day.

Oh gosh, I need to get out of here.

I'll fake sick.

I cover my mouth with my hand and rush to the bathroom. Once I am in the bathroom, I lock the door and make fake throw up noises. After a couple of seconds I hear my mum outside.

"Darling, you okay?" Mum asks.

Time to fake sick. I block the air from going to my nose so that my voice is weird, I also do sniffing noises. I open up the tap and wash my mouth to show that I have been throwing up.

"I think, I am getting sic-" Before I finish my sentence I fake another throw up noise. After I was done. I start coughing, washed my face and messed up my hair a little. I open the door and my mum takes a good look at me, she knew me too well.

"Come here." She fake-hugged me.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Mum says as she pushes me in the bathroom, and closes the door.

"Fix yourself up," Mum says when she was sure no one can hear us anymore.

"Why? This is Ty's day, he brought his girlfriend over so we can meet her, why ruin it?" Mum says as I wash my face probably and then dry it.

"Exactly mum! His girlfriend can kill a person with her bare hands. And for some weird reason she hates me. I have never talked to her and yet she hates me. Can we please get out of here?" I ask as I fix my hair.

"You're over exaggerating." Mum says as she fixes her makeup in the mirror.

"Now, we are going to tell them that you feel way better now and that you just felt dizzy, go take some paracetamol and then go back to normal like this never happened." Mum explained.

"Oh and you need to come up with a better excuse, you're always faking sick. You need a new plan!" Mum says as she walks out.

Now what?

Gosh, my mum knew me too well for my liking.

I got out and did as mum told me to.

After I took the paracetamol, I went and said hi to the one and only Ashley.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Ashley says loud enough for only Ty and me to hear. I decide to ignore her and say hi to her younger brother. Poor guy he has to live with her. The only people I tolerate in this world are kids. They have no care in the world except what toy are they going to play with for the day.

"Hey there. I am Gabi. What's your name?" I ask the little boy.

"Austin!" He mumbles. Aww he was the sweetest thing in the world. Unlike his sister.

"Food's ready." Mrs Parks yelled from the kitchen. I got up and headed to the dining table.

After dinner, Ty took Ashley downstairs to their game room.

"Take Gabi with you!" Mrs Parks says.

"Can Austin come too?" I ask Austin's mum. After she nodded, Austin came and held my hand.

Once we were downstairs Ty and Ashley had a make out session. They do know that there is a toddler in the room, Right? Well not much of toddler, Austin looked like he was six. But still.

"Do you want to play a game?" I ask Austin. He just gave me his puppy dog eyes and nodded.

"What do you want to play?" I ask.

"Monsters." He mumbles. I bend down on my knees so that I am his height.

"I am not sure how to play that one, can you show me how?"

"Well, one is normal and one is monster. The monster has to catch human and eat him." After Austin explained it got up on my feet and made my best monster voice.

"You better run then!" I say as Austin starts running. After 2 minute of chasing him, I finally catch him.

"I am gonna eat you." I say as I start tickling him.

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