Chapter 7

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Liam stares into space for a minute, then looks up at me with a glint in his eyes and stands. "Whoa. Never saw that coming." He pauses and comes over to me hugging, me tightly. "But I'm glad you're happy. And okay." He kisses my forehead, and being the amazing, brother-like boy Liam is, scoops me up and brings me to the kitchen, filling the tea kettle with water.

"Thanks, Li," I sigh, playing around with the salt shaker.

"So, how long have you and Harry been together?" Liam asks, leaving the stove and coming to sit across from me on a stool.

"Half a year. Basically since the tour started in Texas."

Liam gives a surprised look, but stays silent. "That's a while," he says quietly, avoiding eye contact.

"I'm sor-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"No, don't apologize. I understand completely."

Something in my head says he really doesn't. I really hope he isn't mad. I should really learn to stop hoping. When I sneak a look up at him, he immediately wipes the disappointed look off his face and smiles innocently.

"What do you want to do?" He asks, checking the tea.

"I don't really know. Did you have something in mind?" I say slowly.

You may think Liam's the good, sensible one, but he is slowly being corrupted by the other boys. "Sleepover!" He tells, fist pumping.

"Okay!" I chuckle.

"Let's go to my place."

I run to my room and grab my pillow, not bothering about pajamas because I'd just wear one of Liam's old shirts and basketball shorts.

"Ready?" He asks, opening the door for me. We walk down the hallway silently until we reach the door to Liam's apartment.

He runs in and trips over the edge of the rug by the couch, sprawling onto the floor with a weird grunting noise. I laugh and drop my pillow, jumping onto Liam.

"AHH!" He yells, but his voice is traced with laughter. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asks, pulling out Toy Story 3.

"K." I walk into the kitchen and start to raid the pantry and fridge of all its junk food.

All the boys are used to the Horan siblings raiding their kitchens.

Liam walks in, just as I'm pulling out ice cream. "Louis and Eleanor are going to join us," he grins.

"Eleanor's in New York?!" I squeal. Eleanor, Louis' girlfriend, is usually in California for modeling jobs.

"Yep," he says simply, grabbing soda from the fridge.

I know better than to ask poor Liam about Danielle. He had just broken up with her and my confession about Harry and I probably didn't help.

"LIAM!!" Louis' voice comes from the door along with Eleanor's giggle. "WE BROUGHT CRAP!!" He screams again. I giggle and walk out of the kitchen to greet them.


Go ahead

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