Chapter 5

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When we get home, Mary-Beth tells me to sit on the couch while she gets a bowl of grapes.

"Tell me everything." She has the biggest smile on her face. Mary-Beth has always been the type of girl to want every detail.

"Ok. Well, at first we were both surprised that you guys just left us there without a warning." She puts on an innocent smile. "But after that, we went for a walk. He started to talk about how the boys are off for the week since they just came back from tour, and he told me the places he's been."

"And then stuff happened and next thing you know, you two are going out tomorrow!" She's squealing now.

I give a small giggle. "Yes. I'm so excited for it. He says we're going on a picnic which I think is the cutest thing."

"For sure!" I feel my phone vibrate and it's a text from Harry.


"It's Harry," I tell Mary-Beth. She smiles at me then makes her way to the kitchen to start dinner.

*Hey :)*

*How are you?*

*Good. How about you?*

*I'm good. So I realized I don't know much of what you like. Like what you're into.*

*Well, what would you like to know?*


*Ok. Well, I'm really into the 80's. Like, I mean I'm not crazy and start to dress like it all the time, but I feel like that's when life was good and fun. I'm also into baking and cooking. I love to make food. And I also like to dance.*

*Wow. You can do it all huh*

*Lol. I guess so. But how about you? What are you into?*

*Singing and baking.*

*Gasps. No. I had no idea.*


*You're such a dork.*

*Thank you. Thank you very much.*

*Lol. Well, I should let you go. Mary-Beth just finished dinner.*

*Ok. Have a goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow :)*

*See you tomorrow. Goodnight.*

As I walk into the kitchen, Mary-Beth is filling my plate with pasta.

"How was your talk?"

"Fun." She gives me a smile.

"Good. Now let's go watch a movie. I was thinking Peter Pan. Your favorite." She gives me a nudge on my arm with her elbow and winks at me.

"You know me so well." I laugh. We head into the living room and watch Peter Pan. By the end of the movie I'm ready to go to bed.

"I'm going to bed," I tell Mary-Beth.

"It's only 6." I hadn't realized the time.

"I'm still tired. Have a goodnight."

"Um, ok. Goodnight." I go to my room and lay on my bed. Now that I'm here I can't sleep. I keep on thinking about Harry. Time goes by and all I can think about is still Harry. I look at my clock and it's 9. How does time go by so fast when you're thinking about someone?

I try to fall asleep but I can't. I think about those eyes. His eyes. How beautiful they are. And his hair. His hair is so amazing. And then I start thinking of his smile. How it lights up the world. My world. His smile alone can make me fall under his spell. His voice. It calms me. It makes me feel like I'm alright. Like nothing can hurt me. And he's so sweet and fun. He makes me want to stay by him forever. I've never met anyone like him. Someone that makes me always happy.

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