Chapter 13

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Harry's P.O.V

"Hey," she says through the line.

"Hey. Are you done babysitting?"

"Yes I am."

"Are you doing anything else tonight?"

"Nope. Why? What are you thinking?"

"I thought we could go get dinner. I just got back from a meeting and I haven't eaten yet."

"Ok. Sure."

"Great. I can pick you up at 9:30?"

"Ya. That will work." I heard her scream. And a loud boom.

"Maria. What's wrong?" She doesn't respond.

"Maria? Maria! Where are you?" Liam stops driving, and everyone's looking at me.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" I hear them all ask.

The phone call ends and I try calling her again, but her phone goes straight to voicemail so I call Mary-Beth.

"What's the address of place Maria was babysitting, and what route does she take to get home from there?" I ask her as soon as she picks up.

"Harry what's wrong? Is everything ok?"

"No. I need to know the address and the route. We were talking, then she screamed and I heard a crash. I think she was in an accident." My voice sounds rushed.

"Oh my gosh!" She starts to freak out, but she tells me the address and the route. She says she's on her way over there, and I could tell she was crying.

"Where do I need to go?" Liam asks me. I tell him the address and the route and he drives.


10 minutes later, we were almost at the house. We were approaching a red light when I saw it. A car. Her car, damaged. I ran out of the car before Liam even stopped. When I approached the driver seat window there she was lying unconscious. Her face and body bloody. Glass all over her. I pulled on the car door, but it wouldn't budge. I kept trying, but nothing. I ran to the other side of the car and opened the passenger seat door. I tried to take the seatbelt off of her, but it was stuck. I grabbed a piece of glass and cut the belt off not caring that the glass was cutting my hand.

Once I got the seat belt off of her, I pulled her out of the car.

"Call 911!" I yelled to them.

I looked down at her, tears rolling down my face. I pressed my ear to her chest and I couldn't hear a heartbeat. I stayed there for a couple seconds, then heard a beat. Every couple seconds it would beat.

"No. No. Her heart is only beating every couple seconds." I couldn't take my eyes off of her. "Please. Please don't leave me. I love you." I held her in my arms.

I noticed that she was bleeding a lot in her stomach. She had a piece of glass there and I knew I had to take it out. I took off my sweater and held it in my hand while I was holding the glass in my other hand.

"I have to take this glass out of you." I kissed her forehead. I took out the glass and placed the sweater over it while putting pressure on it. I heard her gasp, but she was still unconscious.

"Harry." When I looked up, Niall was kneeling down with a paper in his hand. "The person that hit her left this." I took it from his hands and read it.

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

I could smell the alcohol on the letter. I was angry. I was beyond angry. How could someone just hit her, write a note, then drive off?

I crinkled the paper in my hand and threw it. I focused my attention back on Maria.

"Ya. I'm still here," I heard Louis say. I didn't realize he called the police.

I saw a car pull onto the street. It was Mary-Beth. She ran out of the car without turning it off and fell to her knees next to Maria.

"Oh my gosh." She was crying really hard now. It was a lot to take in.

She cried. I cried. We were all crying by the time the police came.

They ran over to her and put her on a stretcher. Everything was happening so fast.

"I need to go with her. She's my girlfriend." The man I was talking to nodded and I climbed in the ambulance with Maria. The doors closed and we headed to the hospital. The whole way over, I held Maria's hand and talked to her.

"Please don't leave me. I love you," I kept repeating the whole way over.

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