Chapter 8

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We stayed there for a couple seconds. When we pulled away, I smiled at him while moving to lay next to him.

"Ok. Ok. Nothing to see here. You guys can leave now," Harry said to the paparazzi. They surprisingly left. Usually in the movies, they don't leave right away, but then again this isn't the movies.

"Thank you," I said looking up into Harry's eyes.

"Oh no trouble. They had to leave sooner or later. I just chose sooner for them."

"No. I mean for this night. Thank you for the date and for the necklace, and thank you especially for the kiss. Well, thimble," I giggle. "I'll never forget tonight." I can't help the huge smile I have. I've never been kissed before. I've always wanted to be, but never actually found the right guy. I'm so happy it got to be Harry.

"You're welcome. Thank you for giving me a chance." He smiled down at me, then kissed me again.

"I guess this means that we're dating now then, huh?" I ask once we separate from our kiss.

"Yes. That does," he smiles. "That means that you get the pleasure of calling me yours."

"Oh I get the pleasure huh?" I laugh.

"Yup." He gives me a cheesy smile. He's so cute, and I'm really happy that I do get to call him mine. Well, my boyfriend. I don't own him. "Now come on. Let's watch this movie."


Harry's P.O.V

After the movie ended, Maria and I cleaned up and headed to the car. While heading to the car, I started to talk about how unrealistic the movie was just to see how she'll react.

"I mean, what kind of kid doesn't grow up. He must be like a vampire then, one thousand and three years old."

"Um. You do know that this is a Disney film right? This is for kids to see and to use their imagination and believe."

"Well, it's still unrealistic. How-"

"There is realistic stuff in there. There was a school and a job. There was even love. True love."

"They're kids. They don't know love yet."

"Everyone knows love no matter what there age is. Once you find it, you know it in your heart."

"Have you ever been in love?" Once I ask her, I look up to see her staring at the ground.

"No. But I just know that once your in love, you know it right away. That you don't even take a second to think about it, you just, know." I give her a small smile. To be honest, I'm happy she's never been in love. That means that her heart hasn't been taken by someone yet.

"I still find the movie unrealistic, but I do like it." She gives me a little laugh and I realized that we are at the car.

I open the passenger seat door for Maria then put the picnic basket in the backseat before climbing into the driver seat.

"Do you want the radio on?"

"Sure." I turn on the radio then pull out onto the street.

We spend the whole car ride listening and singing along to the radio. I park the car in front of her apartment and turn to face her.

"When can I see you again?" I didn't want to sound eager to see her again, but I was curious as to when I would.

"Well, you could come over tomorrow for dinner. I'm making pizza for my first time. You could help me prepare it too." She has a bright smile on her face. She's so cute when she smiles.

"It's a date. What time should I be here?"


"Ok. I'll see you at six then." I lean over to give her a kiss getting sparks like I did the first time we kissed. When I pull back, she smiles and opens the door.

"See you at six." She closes the door and walks up the steps, waving to me before walking into the apartment.

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