Chapter 12

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I wake up the next morning and get ready to babysit. Once I'm ready, I grab my Kid Fun Kit and leave the apartment.

The drive over to the house was interesting. I decided to listen to a radio show and heard about how this women found her husband sleeping with her sister. Her twin sister, and he knew it wasn't his wife. I listened to the whole conversation between the girl and the radio host. It was really interesting.

I arrive at the house and park my car. I've known the family that lives here for a couple years. The wife/mother is friends with my mom, and is also the person that my mom told to watch over me while I live in England.

"Hey," Diana opens the door. "Come in."

"Thank you."

"Of course. So we will be gone until 8. We just bought macaroni and we got the new Cinderella movie on DVD."

"Ok. Should she wear her dress or her pajamas?" Olivia loves Cinderella. She always needs to wear her dress or her Cinderella pajamas when watching it.

"Her dress today."

"Ok." Ed walks into the room with Olivia.

"Maria!" Olivia runs up to me and I bend down to hug her.

"Hi Olivia. How's my 6 year old doing?"

"I'm good. I lost my tooth. My Papi says that I now have a garage." She smiles at me to show me her two missing front teeth.

"My my my. You could fit a truck through there." She gives me a laugh and I sit her down.

"Ready to go?" Ed asks Diana. She nods and they both say their byes to us before leaving.

"So what would you like to do first?" Olivia stands there thinking for a moment.

"Let's play dress up!" I nod to her and she grabs my hand pulling me towards her room.


"Bye." I wave one last goodbye to Olivia before heading to my car. My phone starts to ring and when I look down at it, Harry's picture is on the screen.

"Hey," I say while stepping into my car and connecting the call to the car so I could hear him while driving.

"Hey. Are you done babysitting?"

"Yes I am." I start my car.

"Are you doing anything else tonight?"

"Nope. Why? What were you thinking?"

"I thought we could go get dinner. I just got back from a meeting and I haven't eaten yet."

"Ok. Sure."

"Great. I can pick you up at 9:30?" I stop at red light on a small street.

"Ya. That will work." The red light changes and I start to drive.

A car came out of no where and all I can remember is Harry calling my name, then I couldn't hear anything but a small buzz.
After a couple of seconds, it stopped and the world went black.

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