Chapter 7

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As we walk through the park, I tell Harry a little bit about myself.

"I mean its not that I didn't like Chicago, it's just that I've lived there all my life and I wanted to see more of the world. I mean, England has always been my dream place to live."

"Ya. I understand what you mean." I realize that we are crossing the small bridge that's in the middle of the park.

As I continue to walk, I feel a hand grab my arm. When I turn around, Harry is looking at me.

"Hey. Um. Can I ask you something?" My heart beat starts to pick up.

"Sure. What's up?" I am now fully facing him.

"Knock knock." His face is serious so I don't know what to do.

I raise a brow and say,"Who's there?"

"Hula." What?

"Hula who?" I ask slowly. Harry busts out laughing at his joke. "Oh my gosh Harry. You're such a dork." I laugh along with him.

We walk over the bridge and start to turn the corner of the trees, when all of a sudden a swarm of paparazzi come up to us. Harry grabs my hand and we start to run through the trees trying to lose them. We hide behind a huge tree as they pass us.

"I'm so sorry about that," Harry says once the coast is clear.

"It's ok, really. That was actually a good workout." I laugh.

"Ya. Why do you think I'm so fit?" We both laugh even more.

We head out of the trees and walk in the other direction away from the paparazzi.

"The sun is starting to set. I have the picnic supplies in my car. Do you want to come with me as I get them, or wait here?" Harry asks me.

"I'll wait here."

"Ok. I'll be right back." Harry runs across the bridge and heads back to his car. I notice that we actually didn't walk much. We walked slowly and stopped a lot while we were talking.

I decided to wait on the bridge and look into the water. It's such a beautiful day and the water is so pretty. I find myself drifting off thinking about living in the water, so I barely hear as Harry calls my name.

"Maria." I look up to see Harry with a picnic basket in his hand. "Hey. Are you ok?"

"Ya. I'm fine. Just daydreaming."

"Oh ok. Ready to go?" I nod and Harry and I walk over to a small hill. He sets out a blanket and sets up everything for a picnic.

"This is so beautiful," I say as Harry guides me to sit down.

"Thank you." We eat and talk as the sun starts to set. As we finish up, Harry pulls out a computer and places it in front of us.

"Ready for the movie?" He ask and I nod while finishing up my chocolate covered strawberry.

"What movie is it?"

"You'll see." He smiles and I watch as Peter Pan appears on the screen. I gasp and look to see a smiling Harry staring at me.

"How did you know-"

"Mary-Beth told me this is your favorite movie." I can't stop smiling. I reach over and hug Harry. As I let go of the hug, Harry looks into my eyes. "I have something for you. Close your eyes." I do as I'm told and close my eyes. I hear Harry move behind me and feel him put something around my neck.

"Open your eyes." When I open my eyes, I see an acorn on a necklace. I gasp and look up to him, tears forming in my eyes.

"Peter Pan once gave Wendy a kiss. It's not what we usually refer to as a kiss, but it's what he knew." Tears start to fall from my eyes. "I gave you a kiss, and now I would like to give you a thimble." He smiled then leaned foreword and kissed me. His lips were warm and they made my whole body feel warm. I felt happy like I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this forever and be absolutely ok.

I was so focused on him, that I barely realized that there were paparazzi around us. But I didn't care, and neither did Harry, because to us, we were the only two in the world.

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