Chapter 41

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"Goodnight Mary-Beth."

"Goodnight Maria." I closed my door and layed on my bed.

The last few months with Harry have been great. We're about to make it to our one year anniversary. I think that's when I'll tell him I love him. I guess I've just been too scared to say it before. It's not really something you can just say to someone. You need to know that they're the one. I knew Harry was the one, but I was still scared to say it. Not this time. I'll tell him during our picnic. Just like our first date, a picnic. He'll go to practice in the morning, and I'll go with him. After that, we'll go and I'll tell him. It's all planned.


Harry's P.O.V

"Hey Niall. Can I talk to you for a bit?"

"Sure." I led Niall into my room and he sat down on my bed. "What's up?"

I didn't know how to tell him this. I'm a nervous wreck. I don't know why. He's not Maria.

"Well, I need your help with something. You're Maria's best friend right?"

"Second. She knew Mary-Beth first." I nodded my head.

"Well, we've been together for almost a year now, and our anniversary is coming up. We're planning on going on a picnic, like our first date."


"I'd go to practice, and she'd come too. Then after we'd go for the picnic," I said. I looked down at my fingers.

"That's a really nice idea," Niall said.

"Thanks Niall. There's one more thing."

"Go on," he said.

"I want to propose." It was silent at first. I looked up and Niall's jaw was dropped.



"Seriously!" He had a huge grin on his face and he stood up. I nodded my head and he gave me a hug. "I'm so happy for you."


"Why did you tell me? Why not the rest of the guys?" Niall asked.

"I needed to talk to someone who is close to Maria. I'd ask Mary-Beth, but there's a chance she would have told Maria, and I wanted to tell everyone together, but I wanted to make sure it's the right choice."

"Of course it's the right choice. I mean, you love her right?"

"Oh yes. With all my heart I do. She makes me happy and she lights up my world. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. To know that I'm the cause of that beautiful smile, and I want to wake up to those eyes every morning. I love her so much."

"Why haven't you told her you love her yet?"

"I get too scared. I just freeze up each time. Not this time though. I'm going to tell her. For sure." Niall have me another hug.

"This is a great idea. You two deserve to be together," Niall said.

"Thank you." I gave Niall one more hug before going out to tell the rest of the boys.

(After telling the boys.)

"Congratulations!" Everyone was hugging me.

"So how are you going to do it?" Liam asked.

"Well, this is the plan out for the day. We'd go to practice for the morning. Then afterwords, we'd head to the park. We'd take a stroll and talk, then we'd have a picnic. We'd eat and talk for sometime, then when it's sunset, I'd stand her up to dance. I'd tell her how I feel while we dance, to the music you guys would sing, then after spinning her, I'd get down on one knee and propose."

"That is beautiful," Liam said.

"You want us to be there to sing?" Louis asked.

"Yes, if you lads wouldn't mind doing it."

"Of course we'll do it," Niall said. Liam and Louis nodded their heads in agreement.

"Thank you guys so much," I said.

"Aw. Group hug," Niall said while bringing us all together.

(Hello you guys. I am so sorry I haven't updated. I've been so busy. I'm sorry about that.
We only have two chapters left. I can't believe it's almost over. It's so strange. I hope you've all been enjoying the story. I'll try to update before the end of the week. Thank you all so much. I love you all. :)

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