Chapter 20

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It's been a week since I got out of the hospital. The week went very quickly and I find myself staring at the ceiling of my room. It's two in the morning and I'm still not asleep. I've been trying to fall asleep for five hours now and nothing. I just can't fall asleep and it's fustraiting. I picked up my phone and texted Harry.

*Hey Harry. I know you're asleep right now, but I just needed to at least tell someone what's going on. I've been trying to fall asleep for five hours now, and it's now two. I'm very frustrated that I can't fall asleep. Ok. I'll see you later. I hope you're having a peaceful sleep.*

After sending the text, I went to the kitchen and had some warm milk. After taking a sip, I decided that I still don't like milk alone and put the cup in the fridge so I could put it in my coffee in the morning. I poured myself some water instead and sat at the counter.

After about five minutes I heard a knock on the door. I thought it was just my mind playing games with me but still went to go check grabbing a knife with me on my way. I've seen way to many scary/crime movies to just walk to the door at two in the morning unprotected.

When I opened the door, Harry was there with a bag and a panda bear. He looked really tired.


"Lead me to your room," he said with a raspy voice. I realized he had come to help me sleep and led him up the stairs.

"Why do you have a knife?"

"Hm? Oh. I've seen a lot of movies, so I know to be protected when I hear a noise late at night." He gave out a little laugh and I led him to my room putting the knife away on the way there. He gave me the panda.

"Here. He should help you sleep a little better." Harry moved onto my bed and opened his arms for me to join him after he got comfortable.

"Thank you." I moved into his arms and layed on his chest.

"Goodnight love," he said planting a kids on my forehead.

"Goodnight Harry."


Harry's P.O.V

I woke up to Maria screaming. It was the same scream she let out the night of the accident on the phone. I sat up and turned on the Christmas lights over her bed. She was moving frantically and sweating. It was as if she was trying to get out of somthing. As if she was trying to get out of the seatbelt.

"Maria? Maria!" I tried to shake her awake, but she wouldn't wake up. Mary-Beth opened the door and was shocked at seeing Maria in this state. She came to the other side of Maria and tried to shake her awake.

Maria stopped screaming and was now gasping for breathe. She kept touching the spot where the glass was in her stomach the night of the accident.

She then opened her eyes. They were red. When she closed them again, she screamed some more. Mary-Beth and I kept trying to wake her up. After a couple of seconds, she got up. She was breathing heavily and her eyes were starting to become less red.

"I know what happened. He came out of no where. It was my turn to go. The light turned green for me and I went. He came out and he hit me. He hit my car. There was glass everywhere and there was blood. I felt the glass go into my stomach. I tried to get out of my seatbelt, but I hit my head on the steering wheel. I heard him get out of the car. He said how he was sorry and it was an accident. Then he left. I didn't see him, but I heard him. He drove off. I was left in the car alone. I couldn't see anything. I knew I was unconscious, but I could still hear once in a while. I started to drift away. That's when I heard your voice Harry. I heard as you tried to get the door open. I felt as you carried me out of the car. Then I felt the glass come out of my stomach and everything went blank after that. Everything was dark. I was alone in a room. There was nothing around me. I was like that for a while. That was the 3-4 months that I was in a coma. It was dark. I was alone in there. Some light shown after some time and I stoop up. It was hard. I'd been laying down for months. I walked over to the light and I closed my eyes. When I opened them, I saw the ceiling of the hospital." She was crying by now and her breathing was really heavy. I hugged her.

"Shh. Breathe. Breathe." She just cried.

"I'll go get you some water," Mary-Beth said. She was crying too.

"Maria. Don't worry. You're safe. I'm never leaving you alone. Ok? You're not alone. You're not in the dark. You'll never be in the dark again..."

She kept crying and when Mary-Beth came back with the water, I gave it to Maria.

"I'm going to call the doctor," Mary-Beth said.

"Ok." She left the room.

I moved the hair from Maria's face and took the glass of water out of her hand and put it on the floor.

I stayed there comforting her. Mary-Beth came back into the room.

"The doctor said to have her take a warm bath and to start giving her two pills a day instead of one. He also said to keep having her drink water. This is a normal thing that happens after someone comes out of a coma so we shouldn't worry too much."


"I'm going to start up the bath for her. Would you mind making her some soup?"

"I don't mind." Mary-Beth went to start the bath and I kept hold of Maria until Mary-Beth came back. She held onto Maria as they walked to the bathroom. I made my way to the kitchen and started the soup.

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