Chapter 6

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When I woke up the next morning, I had a huge grin on my face. This was until I saw that it was only 9 a.m. I don't have to be up for a couple more hours, so I decided to go back to sleep. I could hardly keep my eyes closed, let alone sleep.

I laid in bed with my eyes closed for what felt like hours. When I opened my eyes to look at the clock it was only 9:16. I decided to just get up since there was no use in me just lying in my bed for hours.

I got up and made my bed then headed to the bathroom. Once I got out of the bathroom I went to the living room to see Mary-Beth watching tv.

"Good morning," I told her. She gave me a weird look.

"Morning. What are you doing up at this time?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"Oh ok. Well, it's your week to make the food and I feel like I want muffins for breakfast." Mary-Beth and I switch weeks for who makes the food.

"Ya ya. I'll make the muffins." I headed into the kitchen and started to take out the ingredients when I hear my phone ring. I run to my room and when I look at the phone, Harry's name is on the screen.


"Hey. I didn't wake you, did I?"

"No. I was already up. What's up?"

"Well, I wanted to see if you by any chance, wanted to meet up earlier than 6?"

"What time were you thinking?" Please be sometime soon. Please be sometime soon. The sooner the better...

"1?" Yes!

"Ok. That's fine." I'm smiling like a crazy person. I try to hide my excitement, but I'm pretty sure I failed.

"Great. I'll pick you up at 1 then."

"Cool. Ok. Bye Harry."

"Bye Maria." I do a little dance before heading back into the kitchen to finish up the muffins. I realized that I never sent Harry my address and text him it real quick.

Once the muffins are done, I call Mary-Beth and sit at the counter.

"Mmmm. They smell so good." I smile at her.

"Thank you. And Harry and I are meeting up earlier than 6."

"What time earlier?"

"1." I take a bite of my muffin.

"1! Man. You two just can't stay apart huh," she laughs.

"Shut up," I laugh with her.

It was 11:16 by the time I finished eating my muffins and talking with Mary-Beth. I decided to take a shower and when I got out I went to my room to choose my outfit. After 10 minutes of debating I chose to wear black high waisted pants, black timberlands, and a green long sleeve shirt. I decided to not wear a sweater with my outfit since it is a nice day today.

I head to the bathroom to fix my hair and the doorbell rings. I quickly party my hair to the right and head to my room to grab my purse. I do one last outfit and face check before heading out into the living room. When I step into the living room, Harry and Mary-Beth are talking. Harry notices my presence, and looks at me.

"Wow. You look amazing." He smiles and I smile back.

"Thank you. You look great yourself." He's wearing black skinny jeans with a white shirt, and a sweater.

"Thank you. So I was thinking we could go get ice cream before heading to the park."

"Sure. That works."

"Great. Ready to go?"

"Yes." We walk down the stairs and out of the apartment before saying goodbye to Mary-Beth.

As I walk towards his car, Harry opens the passenger seat door for me and closes it once I'm in. He jogs around to the other side of the car and gets in.

"Thank you," I say to him.

"No problem," he says with a smile.

"So what's the full plan for the day?" I ask him as he starts to drive.

"Well, I thought we would go for ice cream, then walk around the park for some time since it's a big park. Then after that we could have our picnic and I brought a movie for us to watch when it gets darker."

"Ooh. What movie?"

"You'll see," he says with a grin.

"Okay." He pulls into the lot of the ice cream shop and I step out of the truck. He opens the shop's door for me and I thank him.

"What kind of ice cream would you like?" He asks me.

"Cookie dough please." Harry orders a cookie dough ice cream, and a honeycomb ice cream.

"I think I'm going to leave the car parked here since the park is just down the street," Harry says as we exit the ice cream shop.


(Hey everyone. I know it's weird how I put stuff like 11:16 or 9:16, but it's just me being me. I always need my stuff to end with a 6, 11, or 16. I don't know why I do this. I just do. I don't do it all the time, but most of the time. So sorry for my weird thing I do, but I hope everyone's enjoying the story. :)

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