Chapter 25

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It's been about four weeks now and I haven't single word from Daniel. Not a text message, email, letter, gifts, asking Richard to talk to me for him....NOTHING! I can't believe him, I mean yea I'm the one that walked away from him...but still I expected him to try an contact me and he hasn't. Honestly I miss him like crazy. His mom probably told him to stay away from me and that I'm not good enough. She is right, I'm not good enough for him. His exes have all been tall, beautiful super-freaking-models! With amazing bodies and they have money. I'm no good for him and I need to get over him. I'll find someone else, someone way better for me. Who am I kidding?! I want/need Daniel-

" Toyin? " Monica calls knocking on my office door.

" Yea? Come in " I say quickly wiping my eyes.

" Hey girl! " She beams walking in.

" Hey " I fake smile.

" I haven't seen you-Woah! What happened?" She questions as she walks closer to me.

" W-what are you talking about?" I question.

" You're crying boo. What's wrong?" She asks sitting on the edge of my desk.

" N-nothing. I-I've just been through a lot lately " I sigh rubbing my face.

" You wanna talk about it? Over lunch?" She suggests smiling.

" Sure, I could use someone to talk too " I say.

" Alright, come on " She says standing up. I stand up and grab my purse and phone.

" Where are we going?" I ask.

" Louie's Burgers " She smiles.

" Mmm, I haven't had a burger in a minute" I sigh.


" This is so good " I moan as I take another bite of the burger.

" Mhm, I told you " She smiles taking a sip of her sprite. " If you don't mind me asking, um did you and Mr. Simmons break up?"

" W-why would you ask that?" I say as my eyes widen.

" Well uh...I um-

" What?! " I question.

" I saw Maya walk into Mr. Simmons office..." She trails off.

" And?" I say.

" Well it took her quite a while to come back out. When she did, she didn't look the same way she walked in....if you know what I mean " She says raising her eyebrows.

" That bastard! " I shout making everyone in the restaurant look at me.

" I'm guessing you guys didn't " She whispers.

" No, no we did. I think, I-I don't even know " I say tearing up.

" What's been going on T?" She questions taking my hand in hers.

I take a deep breath then start  spill everything out.

" Th-the worst part about it is that the one person I really wanna talk to right now...he has been lying to me. For twenty years of our friendship! Twenty whole fucking years Monica! " I cry. " My life is horrible "

" What? No it's not boo. You're just going through a rough patch right now " She says rubbing my hand.

" Nothing every goes my way " I whisper sniffling.

" Oh hun " She says getting up and sitting by me. " I'm really sorry "

" Don't be " I say wiping my tears.

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