Things that irritate me

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Before i start there are people within this chapter that i know and will be changing their names due to privacy their names will be Stephanie, Christine, and Alex(F).

Stephanie- She comes from a very religious family and her mom(from what ive heard is transphobic and homophobic)usually pushes religion on her so it is not exactly difficult to talk to her about lgbtq+ but does make her have some different thiughts but for the most part she thinks its fine.

Christine- First MTF student to come out to the school entirely (also i personally dont like her due to an addiction she has that bothers me when it comes to anyone) She originally came out as gay then came out as transgender and only recently started dressing full time as herself.

Alex- She is a really close friend of mine and i would prefer not to talk about everything about her without her permission but she does not like talking about her personal self when it comes to the lgbtq+.

So recently at lunch i was sitting with both Stephanie and Alex because it was the first time i have been able to hang out with them in quite a while. We were just sitting and eating minding our own business when Christine came along and invited herself to sit down. At this point i shut myself down due to not liking Christine. As we were sitting the topic of lgbtq+ came up and then Christine asked Alex where she landed on that spectrum.

At this point it got very awkward due to the presents or Stephanie because Stephanie and Alex are very close friends. So Alex then said she would rather not say due to the presents of a certain someone. But at this point i was also away from the table and the only other person besides Alex and Christine was Stephanie, in which Alex would try to get the subject to change.

At this point Stephanie remembered that she had to meet her mother in the school office and Christine decided to tag along just to antagonize Stephanie's mother. Shortly there after Christine came back and returned and reasked the question to Alex and forcefully pushed her to come out about her romantic and sexual orientation. And as a member of the lgbtq+ Christine should have known better than to push someone to come out when they didnt want to.

As a result i was very irritated and bothered and felt bad for Alex because she didnt want to have to answer that question.

I will post another chapter if i have anything interesting happen soon so thank you for reading this chapter

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