Everything thats happened this week i guess

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So this week has been very hectic and has been stressful. So to start off it has just been pretty slow. This week was a big week at school. We had a spirit week and the only day that i actually participated in was called Marvel vs DC and obviously being the batman lover i am i went with DC and wore my batman v superman shirt, batman belt, batman watch, and used a batman keychain.

On thursday i had to perform at a pep rally with my schools jazz band because im one of the two drummers for jazz band and im the better player because i have been playing longer than the other and have practiced more. So at the pep rally i played the original version of the Hawaii 5-0 theme song as students would walk in and it was fun to play because it was my favorite song the jazz band played last year(band director chose to play it again because we dont have a lot of time to practice new stuff especially because we have new players). During the first pep rally( there is always two to ensure that everyone gets to go) there was a tug o' war game against upper classmen and lower classmen. Sadly upper classmen lost, being a jr it was upsetting, but during the game a student broke their finger in a very disturbing way. After the pep rally it was all that people were able to talk about. Anyways this was the only really big event that happened. That same night i was talking to a close friend and i barely told her about the name i am going by and was surprised because i thought i told her before. Later we discussed a day where me and her would be able to go and shop or just have a day where she would help me dress up and help me feel girly. As most of my friends who support me and my transition, she said yes.

Today was the most boring day of the week. On saturdays i have to attend a college course with a program that helps me called ACE(Achieving a College Education) which lets me take college courses during my high school years. But today as i went to class i was at class from 9 am to 10:25 am which confused me because we didnt have much to do during the class. This gave me a chance to start my lab hours and get more hours than when most students start. Sadly i am on academic probation due to me failing a class last semester.  After finishing my hours and doing what i needed to do me and my two friends went to Circle K and i got my favorite snack called Squatch. On the trip there i was talking to one of my friends about a slip of paper that said Marlene on it and she asked who that was. At the time when she asked i couldnt say because we were around strangers and i didnt want to say anything. So on the way i told her it is me and that i thought she completely forgot im transgender but she didnt but it was the fact that i did not tell her the name. It was a total facepalm moment to me so i finally told her and it made me feel better when i got to say it. Later I ended up staying till 2:30 pm because my parents were busy when they know that the school day ends at 2 pm and it was irritating after i finally left the school and came back home i just chilled out and tried to play games but got bored because i was tired of all the games i have.

One thing i completely forgot to mention earlier in the week i actually started to work out after 2 years and i did body crunches and ran a mile. The day after i was in excruciating pain and couldnt stand it. This is the one thing that made my week pretty bad.

Over all this week was ok i did a lot and i will hopefully have a better week this upcoming week. Thank you guys for reading this chapter and hopefully i will post more soon but till then see ya! :)


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