Chapter Ten

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A/N: Thank you for 1K reads. <3

When I wake up, I forget where I am for a moment. I look over and see Maz sound asleep, her hands resting on her stomach. I smile, Maz ways always so sweet and caring. After yesterdays eventful day, I want to help Maz out as much as I can. She was there for me when I lost everything, and now I'll be there for her. However, my thoughts have been stressing me out, and it makes me nervous. I have seen the dark side destroy many things apart, such as families and friendships. I feel a conflict within me, and it's scary. I want Kylo to leave me alone, part of me wishes he was dead. Whenever I see him, I feel like a little schoolgirl seeing her crush. He makes my hearts do summersaults. I know his reputation though, he is evil, same with Snoke. I must become a strong Jedi and dedicate myself to them. I know it's what is right.

When I look back down at Maz again, she is awake, and staring at me, "Whatever you're thinking about, I can see it troubling you."

I smile, "I'm fine Maz. I just hope they'll find Luke soon."

"Well, Leia and her crew have decided to stabilize here until everyone comes back. I think we should visit her. There are many things you two should discuss."

"Leia? The Leia? I don't think we have anything to discuss. She's very busy right now." I tell her.

"Oh, trust me. This a conversation that needs to happen."

I decide not to push Maz any further. Instead, I grab a pair of clean clothes, and head for the nearby river to clean up.


When we arrive to the temporary Resistance base, several people are gathering around a large table, circling and discussing plans. To the right, I spot Leia, her hand resting on her chin. Maz and I walk up to her, and she looks at us with confusion.

"Hi Maz, I'm sorry about what happened. Hopefully we can fix this mess." Leia looks frantic, as if something was troubling her. As a kid, my parents always told me that Leia was like royalty. She was so smart, beautiful, and could lead a hell of an army. Of course, that is still true today.

Maz whispers something to Leia and her eyes travel up to mine. Leia nods her head once, and grabs my hand.

"We should talk," She smiles softly, deep down I know she's going to tell me something I do not want to hear. She escorts me to a small, and simple room with two chairs and a coffee table. We both take a seat, and we sit there in silence for a moment.

"So, you do know that Han, Finn, and Chewbacca are at the home of the First Order right now as we speak right?" She asks, I refuse to make eye contact.

"Yes, Finn asked me for help, but I figured it was best if I stayed here." I tell her.

"Krista, Kylo Ren is my son." I look at her, my mouth open wide.

"What? And with who? If you don't mind me asking..." So many thoughts buzz through my head and I feel rude for asking her.

She chuckles, "With Han of course. Which is why he is there now. I want my son back, I want the light to radiate off of him like it use to. Long ago, when we first had Kylo, I mean Ben... That's his birth name. He was a wonderful son, but I thought it was best to send him to train with Luke, to become a Jedi. Quickly, everyone fell from my grasp. First it was Han, after Ben was gone, Han left soon after. Next, Snoke seduced my son to the dark side. He went on a rampage, killing everyone. Your parents, Krista, were there... They were assisting Luke in the training. That's how they died. I know, you thought they died when you were younger. None of that was true... Your mind was meddled with, changed. You were there, training with Ben. You guys were great friends, inseparable. When he turned, we all agreed that it was too dangerous for you to know the truth. Now, you're our only hope for getting Ben back. I can tell a lot has happened with him mentally as well. I feel that he has forgotten so much about you. Like you're just a distant memory. You need to convince him that he is good again." Leia encourages.

I stand up for a moment, trying to process everything that she just told me. I knew Kylo? We were friends? Best friends? He was the one to kill my parents. He was the one who took them from me.

"I can't trust any of you," I whisper, wiping the stray tears from my eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way," Leia frowns, stepping towards me.

"Get away!" I scream, "You monsters! I could have saved Kylo that day! Or my parents! Instead you took me from them and erased my memories! All the good things about Kylo, my family, Luke, my friends! You guys took it all from me!"

"Krista, please calm down," She urges.

"I'm finding him." I mumble, "I'm finding him, and helping him."

Leia looks at me, fear in her eyes, "Krista, you don't know what you're saying. You're good, not evil."

"Watch me," I laugh, I run from her and grab ahold of the closest Resistance member, I begin attacking him. I dig my fingers into there neck, anger surging through me. I feel alive for once in my life, like I was in control.

"Grab her!" Leia screams, and instantly two large men grab ahold of me. I thrash and scream, trying to escape their grasp.

I begin to think, what did I just do? I have never felt such anger burn through me before. It's worrying me, yet the power is sweet, and I love it. Part of me wants to feel it pumping through me again. The other part of me knows this is wrong, I'm the daughter of two Jedi, I can not act like this. I was not raised to be apart of the First Order.

They strap me up, and I don't bother to try and escape. Instead, I close my eyes. I try to remember that day. The day that Kylo turned against us all. Honestly, I was angry. Not at Kylo, but myself, and Snoke. I was his best friend. Did I not see his internal struggle? Maybe I was too focused on being the best, or trying to be just like my parents. I close my eyes tighter, and allow my mind to drift.


"Ben," I whisper, grabbing his hand, a smile on my face.

He looks at me with those same eyes, yet they're not black, they're a light brown, sparkling in the moonlight. His hand was soft, and gentle against mine. For only being 16, he was the most handsome boy I have ever seen. His hair was fluffed, and his ears were peeking out. His lips were full and pink. I reaches into my pocket, a lightsaber in my hand.

"Where did you get that?" He asked, his fingers grazing against the button. I allowed him to hold it, I watched as he examined it closely. In training we were not allowed to have a lightsaber until we were ready.

"My dad gave it to me, it was his. He said I could have it!" I squealed. Ben pouted, and I remind myself that his parents aren't here with him.

"Look, Ben, I'm sor-" He interrupted me.

"Krista, not everything is about you! I care about you, I seriously do, but sometimes I just want to talk too!" He looked away, I could tell something was bugging him.

"Ben?" I mumbled, "Is, is something wrong?"

He looked back at me, but his eyes have changed. They're dark, and cold.

"Ben, you're scaring me." I stepped back, the sky began to grow dark, and light raindrops started to fall. Ben was still looking at me with his killer eyes, and he pulls a lightsaber out as well. His was different from mine, much different. He ignited it, and the color I feared most blasted from it. Red, the Dark Side.

"Ben!" I screamed, running from him. He was slicing all the trees around him in rampage. He was yelling, and tears pouring from his eyes.

*End flashback*

That was the last time I saw him, before everything changed.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed. x

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