Chapter Two

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I awoke in a dark room, the air smelt like moldy water and I scrunch my face in disgust. In the distance I hear the soft drops of water nearby and it begins to give me a headache. Where am I? As soon as the thought crosses my mind, memories of last night flood through my head. I need to get out of here! I start to panic and try to get up, but restraints on my arms think otherwise and keep me chained to the table. I lift my chin foreword and try once again but I sink back down in defeat.

"You can try and escape, but it is indeed impossible," a voice called out somewhere behind me.

A bead of sweat trails down my cheek and I close my eyes in fear. Please, please let it just be a stormtrooper. But I was quite disappointed when the lights came on and I was face to face with the man I consider death.

"Hope you're comfortable," he chuckles. I give him a look of disbelief. How the hell can he make jokes at a time like this!? "I'm sure you're wondering why you're here." His face is extremely close to mine, and I hold my breath and try to turn away. In one swift moment his hand grabbed ahold of my chin and pushed it towards him," Look at me when I speak!" He shouts.

In an act of courage, I spit on his mask and his arm lifts from my face, and a more powerful force takes over. Instantly, my face was scrunched up and an immense amount of pain takes over. I bawl my hands into fists as the desperation for air flows through my body, "Don't you ever do that again!" He screams loudly, "You are not sure what I am capable of. And trust me, after I'm done with you, you're going to wish you were dead!" And with that, the strong force that I once felt dissipated, and I sucked in all the air I possibly could.

I manage to groan out two words, "Why... M-me?"

"Because I believe you're very valuable. You see, several years ago your parents were killed. Ring a bell?" I try to thrash around, but it's no use. I want to black out all the words that fall from his mouth, but the echo, I find myself stuck, "They were quite powerful people, yet no one knew there name. I knew the had a child, and I vowed to find her since the day they died. And here you are. You act so tough and courageous, but I can sense your fear, your innocence. And it's so intriguing." His hand travels down my neck, and continues to travel all the way down to my hip.

I squirm in response. This sick monster is touching me. My mouth fills with bile just thinking about it. Seconds seem like hours with him this close, and I try and turn away, "Look at how uncomfortable you are," he chuckles, "do you not like me touching you?" I try and scoot further away, but it was no use.

His hand is slowly creeping to the hem of my shirt, his glove touching my bare skin, "s-stop," I mumble, yet his hand continues to travel further and further up my shirt, "STOP!" I yell, and suddenly he was pushed back. Behind that hideous mask, he chuckles.

"So you are powerful after all," he says. I gulp in response, trying to regain oxygen from that awkward interaction, "You have no idea how useful you'll be." And with that he spins on his heels and turns away from me. A nearby stormtrooper rushes to his side, and "Sir Ren" whispers something to him. The storm trooper nods in response as Ren walks away. I watch as that blinding white outfit grows closer and closer to me. He unlocks my restraints, but instantly chains my hands together. I try and tug away but the stormtrooper is too strong against me.

"Where are you taking me?" I say through gritted teeth.

"I have been instructed to escort you to your new room," he says, grabbing my elbow and pulling me with him. I decide not to push further and followed him. The halls were empty besides an occasional stormtrooper passing by. We stopped in front of a large metal door, I watch as he quickly types in a code and the door shoots open. Within it was a dimly lite room.  I was pushed inside and the door shut tightly behind me. I sigh and decide to look around.

There was a large bed to the left of me, a black comforter laying on top. Beside it was a short table with a red lamp, and a clock, space has time? Across from me was a vanity, and I decide to walk closer to it. My reflection stared back at me and I frown. My red hair was matted into knots and my clothes were torn in various spots. Dry blood was everywhere and I turn away from the barley breathing human being staring back at me. I walk to the closet and open it. Inside was nothing but black clothing, sighing, I grab a black t-shirt and matching sweatpants. I look around and find the bathroom, switching to door open, I make a run for the shower.

When I'm inside I allow the hot water to trail down my bare body, and I close my eyes in pleasure. This shower feels so nice. Soon, I begin to replay images of what happen earlier. About the way he touched me. Soon, I found myself running out of the shower and throwing up in the toilet next to me. Will this ever end?


That night I got no sleep, I was just staring out my window to the never ending blackness that stared right back at me. I roll over and close my eyes. Sleep, a voice calls to me. I shot up and looked around, yet there was nobody. I sense your anxiety. Sleep. It spoke again. GET OUT OF MY HEAD, I mentally scream. There was no response. I lay back down, allowing my heart rate to slow down. I bawl my hands with the comforter and pull it above my chest. Sleep well, I'll awake you soon. And with that, my nightmares swallow me, and I'm fast asleep.

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