The Anatomy of Her

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  • Dedicated to Gwyneth Carlisle Paige

(hi! these two excerpts are from an old piece that is honouring the virtruvian man by leo da vinci, but written in parts, or vignettes, that showcase each part of a woman!)

            II. Her Body

More than a navy fleet,

stronger than a missile,

impenetrable, furious

vicious as a cyclone,

heavy, hulking, dense

             a neutron star

radiating, profuse as

the raspberry nebula

I encircle her,

a buzzard sniffing

out his prey.

V. Her Words

Sung like Psalms,

wise as the Proverbs;

the scribbles of a bard,

an augment of reality,

a hymn in the key of God;

she rambles in maxims

and promises absolutes,

I scream an orchestra

at the top of my lungs,

and she quips, shyly,

"I love you, too."

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