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WARNING: Mention of the word 'suicide'

The taller Omega smiled weakly as he looked over at Scott. The Alpha grew scruff and he looked buff, more buff than he was when they were together. He looked the ring on his old Mate's left finger and his heart dropped, knowing that what happened between him and Scott will never happen again.

I'll get you back, Scott.

"How are you?" Alex asked, innocence in his words. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Scott replied, looking back at Mitch. Mitch smiled as he got up, Melody in his arms. "Do you want to say to Alex, Mitch?"

"Hi, Alex," Mitch chirped, smiling when Melody waved at him. Alex Eve's back, raising an eyebrow at the child. "This is Melody. She is our child!"

Child...such as, Scott is married and has something that I wanted with him?

"That's cool," Alex lied, wanting to glare at the child. He looked over her once, tilting his head. "What's wrong with her? She looks weird."

Mitch frowned as he kissed his child, tearing up a bit. He looked up at Scott, shaking his head quickly.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Mitch told his Mate, his voice cracking at the end. He took a deep breath as he wiped his eyes, not wanting to cry in front of the older Omega. "I'll be right back."

Mitch gave Scott their child and walked upstairs, beginning to sob quietly. Avi followed him, making sure that he was okay. Scott glared at Alex, shaking his head.

"What's wrong with you? You never ask those kinds of questions!"

You could when someone took your love away.

"I'm sorry," Alex responded, keeping his statements small. Scott rolled his eyes as he put Melody in his arms. "Anyway, I need to stay with you. Something happened."

Scott sighed as he looked back upstairs, not wanting Alex anywhere near Mitch. The last time that happened, Alex brought back Mitch's voice. Ever since they got married, Mitch became new confident in himself and no longer had insecure thought about himself. It was like he was a brand new person! His confidence score went up to a 100-Medium, a huge increase from his old one. Alex could ruin that for the still mentally fragile Omega.

"What happened? Jake is your Mate. Did something happen between you two?"

Alex looked at the ground, tears running down his cheeks. Scott frowned, wandering why the Omega was sad all the sudden. He seemed kind of sheepish and timid, something that was a rarity for him. Alex sighed as looked back up at Scott, his eyes full of sadness.

"Jake is dead."


"Hey, Ben," Kevin greeted happily, unlocking the car door. Ben smiled but then frowned, looking at his lap. "What's the matter, Ben?"

"Ben Ben," Erik exclaimed, his smile wide. Ariel copied his actions and clapped loudly. "Ben Ben Ben!"

"Hey, guys," Ben replied, his voice lacking the vibrancy he usually has. Kevin looked at him sadly as he started the car, wondering what was going on with the Omega. "I want to go home. I'm tired."

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