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Don't point out the mistakes. They hate attention.

WARNING: violence

"Is he okay?"

"He's had better days. He's with Melody right now."

Avi nodded somberly, looking at Melody's room. Mitch has been in and out of the room for the past couple of days, looking more very sad every time he did. It worried him to no end.

"Where's Scott?"

"He had to go to his parents' for a day," Alyssa answered, looking at the papers the hospital sent her. "My heart transplant surgery is in a few days. They're going to continue chemotherapy once I go up to Tahoe."

Avi nodded, not wanting the Olusolas to leave. They were running out of room of the house and the guest room was Jessi's room. The Pack's house doesn't enough room for all of them so moving seemed like a good option even though it was tearing them apart.


"Yes, Avi?"

He sighed as he hugged her gently, trying his best not to cry. This is possibly the hardest decision he has ever made, but it will benefit the entire Pack...hopefully.

"I'm going to talk to Tori about moving after we're married."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I think it's time for the Pack to go their separate ways."

Alyssa was about to protest when crying came from Melody's room, but it wasn't the baby Beta. It was Mitch, his sobs echoing in the room. Avi walked upstairs immediately, not wanting to talk about this anymore. He doesn't want anyone to change his mind.

"Mitch, what's the matter?"

Mitch held Melody close, crying even harder as he put his other hand on his stomach. Avi hugged him gently, hopping that he will calm down a bit. The Alpha's shirt was wet, but he didn't care because Mitch was his only focus right now.


"Don't stutter, Mouse. What happened?"

"I want another kid."

Avi couldn't tell if it was hormones or emotions that were acting up, but he hugged the Alphmega tighter. Mitch cried some more, wondering why this happened to him. He was being very careful too, so why did this happen? He wanted to have a lot of kids so they could be loved forever and forever.


"Yes, Mitch?"

"Am I broken?"

"Why would you say that? Mitchy, what's wrong?"

Mitch let go of the hug, putting Melody in her crib. She whined a bit, calming down when she saw her mommy next to her. The Alphmega looked up at Avi tearfully, sobs ready to be released.

"I can't have another child. I'm broken."

Avi shook his head, tearing up himself. Mitch is not broken because of this current situation. He still the same Mitch he was before the twins were conceived. He is not, nor ever will be, broken.

"You will never be broken, Mitch. I'll make sure of it."


"Yes, Mitch?"

"Promise me that you will never leave me."

Avi bit his lip, not knowing how to respond to that. He sighed sadly as he nodded, running his had through the purple hair.

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