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WARNING: implication of attempted suicide, suicidal thoughts, drinking

Mitch held his Rilakkuma stuffed bear close to him, the smell of Scott's cologne breaking his heart. Scott had Korilakkuma because Mitch convinced the Lead Alpha that they should get the bears since they are the 'best of friends' and that's what the Alphmega sees them as.

The best of friends who got married because they wanted to stay friends forever.

Does Scott still want to be my best of friend?

"Mitch? It's time to go in."

Mitch looked at the sliding glass doors, wanting to scratch the self-inflicted scars on his arms. It turned out that he he had more than the doctor thought and was a couple inches shy of ending his life.

I wish that could have happened.


He looked over at Tori, noticing how she was looking at him in a motherly way. She apologized to him endless for choosing rehab without his consent. She blamed herself for practically abandoning him here at this place and isolating him so he could get better. It's good for him, but he really needed his closest friends with him.

Avi is the complete opposite. Don't get him wrong because he loves Mitch with all his heart, but the Alpha decided rehab will be best for him. It was obvious that Mitch has been depressed and had anxiety for the longest time, but he's held it in for all these years  and Scott leaving him finally made him break. Holding in all his emotions from childhood all the way to what happened recently was not healthy and being in rehab will make him better.

He will finally be happy.

"Yes?" Mitch asked softly, hugging Rilakkuma tighter. Tori looked away, not wanting to cry in front of him. "What do you need to say, Alpha Avi?"

"It's time to go inside," Avi told him gently, putting a hand on his back. Mitch jumped, not wanting to go in. "Mitch, this will be best for you. Do this for us, Melody, Wyatt, N.J and Alex. You're be going stronger at the end of this."

Mitch began to tear up, biting his lip so sobs won't escape. He failed, putting his face on the top of Rilakkuma's head so he wouldn't be caught crying in public. Tori wasn't ashamed of crying, hugging the Alphmega close to her so he could have someone to hold him. Avi sighed, tearing up at the sight as he walked inside.

"Come on, Mitchy. It'll be okay."

Mitch nodded, walking inside. He wanted nothing more than to hold Melody, who was in Avi's arms right now. Jordyn was in Tori's arms, wondering what was going on. Tori held his hand, running her thumb over his knuckles to comfort him.

A perky Beta walked up to them, a big smile on her face. Mitch looked down at the ground, his timid nature taking the best of him. Avi sighed, smiling at the Beta as she stuck out her hand.

"I'm Ariana! Welcome to One Woods Rehabilitation Center! Visiting hours will be twelve hours long on the weekdays and ten hours on the weekends since the patients do not have group therapy during the weekends. They will rest and do whatever they please if they receive a yes from a worker. Who is the patient?"

"Mitchell Grassi-Hoying," Avi answered, putting a hand on Mitch's back. Melody cooed loudly, extending her arms towards her mommy. "He's right here."

"Ah, yes. He will be in the double disorder dorms. Those in double disorder rooms have two mental disorders, which is pretty self-exclamatory. Because of this, they will have double of the group therapies yet more resting periods than anyone else. Are you ready to go, Mitchell?"

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