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Scott was about to do something very stupid.

Like...very stupid.

He can't believe that he is doing this. Kevin would most likely slap him on the back of his head for choosing a decision like this and scold him while listing better alternatives.

I wish Kevin was here. He would give me a word or two about leaving the Pack.

Three days have passed since he left and he regretted it each day. He knew that he is being blackmailed, but that didn't mean he couldn't fight back. He had to stand up for himself and protect his Pack and family, but he went to Kirstin's house instead to settle this one and for all. For all he knew, they could be terribly injured.

Or dead.

"Scott?! Where are you?!"

The Lead Alpha widened his eyes, hiding in the closet. He wanted to laugh at that fact that he was in a closet when he's actually out of it, but he shut himself up. He didn't want to be caught.

"I have more beer with me! Drink yourself sick!"

Scott bit back a yell, wanting to bash Kirstin's head onto the wall. He heard her walk in, holding his breath. He hid himself behind some clothes, hoping that Kirstin wouldn't look in.

"Scott! I want another kiss! I love you."

Well, I hate you and your obviously  dyed hair. I see those roots.

"Come out here! Drink until your surroundings are blurry! Maybe you'll abuse someone again."

Scott bit his lip from saying a snarky remark, wanting to out his plan into action. He jumped when something broke, widening his eyes when Kirstin pushed the clothes apart like the Red Sea.


Scott hissed when he felt something poke at his back, tuning around to see what it was. He nearly fainted when he saw that it was a machete with dry blood on it, moving to the closest corner.

How does she have weapons like this?!

Kirstin let out a scream of frustration, putting the clothes back together. Scott took a deep breath, thankful that she was giving up her search.

The next words that left her mouth made him freeze, only wanting to do his plan faster.

"I guess I could just kill Mitch now. I know where he is. Come out right now or I'll-"

She was cut off when Scott suddenly jumped out of the closet a second time. He hit Kirstin's head with a book, knocking her out instantly. He smiled to himself, looking at the book in great pride.

"Books are helpful! Now it's time to do the plan."

He snuck back into the closet, looking for the machete. He took it, gasping when he realized that it was fake. It opened to a closet full of weapons, many that were illegal to own.

If you committed any crimes.

"Heck yeah," Scott whispered, taking as much weapons as he could. He picked up a Chanel bag, smiling as he put the weapons in there. "Purses are amazing."

Now for the dumb part.

Scott went out of the closet and backed up, looking at the window. Kirstin was still passed out, making Scott less stressed out. He smiled as he got to where he wanted to, ready his plan to work out.


The Lead Alpha ran as fast as he could, breaking the window on the first tome. He rolled down the roof, hissing when he felt some of the tiles cut him. He landed on the grass, screaming slightly at the pain he felt. He stood up, brushing the imaginary dirt on him. He looked at the door, shaking his head as he did so.

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