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"Mitch? Could you come here, please?"

Mitch nodded, hopping onto Scott's lap. He smiled up at him, his brown eyes full of happiness. The smile turned into a frown when he noticed Scott's troubled face, putting a hand on his cheek.

"What's the matter, Prince Erik? Are you okay?"

Scott sighed as he took Mitch's hand, brushing the purple hair back gently. The Alphmega started to worry, wondering what this conversation was about.


Scott kissed Mitch's cheek gently, taking the small hand off his cheek. His blue eyes held an emotion that Mitch couldn't place, making him wonder even more about what was happening.

"Scott, please tell me. What happened?"

"Mitch, I love you more than anything in this world."

"I know that, silly. Is that why you're so worked up?"

Scott shook his head, causing Mitch to frown again. He noticed how the Lead Alpha's touch is not loving as it usually is, scaring him to no end.

"Then what is it? Scott, please tell me."

Scott let go of Mitch, putting his elbow on the armrest. The Alphmega tried to pull back the arm, jumping when Scott pulled it from his grasp. He began to tear up, not understanding what was going on. Scott sighed as he looked at Mitch, his eyes sad.

"I don't love you as much as I did when we first started dating."

That was it.

Mitch gasped, feeling his heart break. He shook his head, pushing himself off Scott. He began to cry, both from hormones and emotions. The Lead Alpha sat there, not knowing how to react.

I still love Alex.

"You don't love me anymore?"

"No, no Mitch. That's not what I mean! I still love you! It's just..."

Scott couldn't think of anything, his mind blank. Mitch wiped his eyes, glaring at his husband while tears blurred his vision.

"So that's it?! You don't love me anymore?! After two years, you give me these news. If you loved Alex so much, then why didn't you leave me earlier? After we were Mates, after having a child, after being married, and after making me pregnant with two more children, you tell me that you don't love me anymore. How dare you?"

For some reason, that angered Scott. He glared at Mitch, shaking his head as he walked up to his husband. The height difference and muscles scared the Alphmega, but he refused to show how scared he looked.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that! You're being rude! I never talked to you like that before so what gives you the right to talk to me like that?!"

"I wasn't being rude, I was being honest."

Scott gripped Mitch's chin, making the Alphmega look at him. The younger male almost whimpered, knowing that there will be bruises later from his tight grip. The Lead Alpha's eyes turned red, striking fear in Mitch as he felt his husband's other hand grip his arm tightly. He hissed in pain when he felt the strong hand tightened, tearing up at the pain.

"You never, ever speak to me that! If you do, I will not hesitate to punish you!"

"Scott, what are you doing?!"

Scott looked up, forgetting his anger as he looked at Avi. The other Alpha's eyes were red and his face was angry whole his arms were crossed. He looked down at Mitch, gasping at the sight in front of him. The loving brown eyes were full of tears and finger-like bruises were beginning to show in his chin and arm. Scott released him quickly, tearing up when the younger male ran off to Avi. The other Alpha shook his head, running a hand down Mitch's back as he cried.

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