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"Alyssa Olusola?"

Alyssa stood up, her chest tightening. A week has passed and she has to leave L.A tomorrow with Kevin and the babies. She can't believe that she is leaving the Pack in just a small amount of time, making her feel like she just joined the Pack yesterday when she joined two years ago. She is leaving the people she called family for two years.

No more of Scott making sure that everyone was safe.

No more hearing Avi yell about his ships.

No more long night conversations with Tori.

No more of Ben hugging her tightly and making sure that she was okay.

No more of Jessi giving her little treats and drawings.

No more of Melody or Jordyn being in a Pack with Erik and Ariel.

No more Mitch.

She bit her lip, shaking her head. She's leaving her family, especially Mitch, the one person she promised that she would never leave. Now she is moving up north to extend her horizons. She wants to accomplish her dreams, but she's leaving everyone she loves.

Kevin couldn't believe it either. He's been in the Pack with Scott and Avi ever since he was twenty two. Avi was twenty one and Scott was a twenty year who just allowed the male Beta in the Pack. Kirstin, age eighteen, was still dating Avi, joined the Pack too and the four of them were the best of friends. Now everything is ending.

"Your oncologist wants to see you," the nurse informed her, a sympathetic glance on her face. Alyssa nodded, not wanting to talk in fears that she will cry. "It's serious."

"How serious?"

The nurse shook her head, not being allowed to tell her the news. Alyssa walked into her oncologist's office, the man on the other side staring at her seriously. She say down, afraid of the news that she will hear.



The oncologist took a file out of his drawer, opening it slowly. He took out an x-Ray, one that was from an M.R.I. Alyssa widened her eyes, shaking her head.

"Alyssa," the oncologist told her softly, handing her a tissue when she began to cry. "I'm going to show you the results."

Alyssa nodded weakly, watching as the oncologist put the x-Ray on the x-Ray illuminator. The oncologist looked at her once more, nodding his head for confirmation to turn it on. Alyssa nodded, closing her eyes when he turned it on. She opened her eyes slowly, gasping at the image in front of her.

"I'm so sorry, Alyssa."

The x-Ray showed the inside of her chest, a white color spread around. She sobbed quietly, shaking her head. The cancer spread amongst her chest, bringing her to answer yet another life-altering question.

"We will still continue with chemotherapy. In the mean time, do you want a transplant?"

Alyssa chose her answer.


"Please remember me," Mitch begged, his eyes shiny with tears. Kevin stared at him blankly, shaking his head slowly. "You have to! Please."

"I don't know you," Kevin told the Omega firmly, looking up at Scott. "You and the nurse are cute together, Scott. You definitely made a great choice."

"Thanks," Scott murmured, looking down at Mitch. The Omega was crying silently, tears running down his cheeks. "Mitchy?"

Mitch stood up, running to his room without saying another word. He bumped into Ben, not turning once to apologize. The younger Omega looked at Scott, raising an eyebrow while the Lead Alpha sighed loudly.

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