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For the past five(?) years, I have written fan fictions as a way to get me out of the real world and into an imaginary world where all my problems are nonexistent. Once I entered college, I realized I have absolutely no time to write or map out my fan fictions--let alone update the stories. This coming Fall, I will enter a university where I am going to get my Bachelors in Communication. Because of that, I will have little to no time to write. Therefore, I am going to end this book here. 

You all have been amazing and just completely understanding. You deserve so much more than just a chapter summarizing the entire finale. I'm so sorry. I hope you all understand and I also hope you are satisfied with how this story was going to end. I'm not going to lie; I am. 

In 2014, both Jackie and Brian went through many ups and downs in their marriage. Soon after Noah was born, Jackie developed postpartum depression and although she had help from her friends, she was still stuck in a rut. This "help" that was being provided by her friends rubbed Brian the wrong way. She was going out more, neglecting her career goals and putting Brian third in her life. He viewed it as a cry for help and quickly went to his own friends for advice. 

With the help of Zacky and Lindsay, Brian sought a marriage counselor and took Jackie and himself to couple-sessions. There, Jackie was sent to a psychiatrist, where she was put on antidepressants and began to see a separate psychologist due to her postnatal depression. Brian continued sessions with his therapist, Doctor Andonian. 

This was able to teach Jackie and Brian more about themselves as individuals over the course of five months in therapy. 

Jackie learned that she had every right to be upset, despite what others thought. She was cheated on and betrayed by the man she loved. She could've got up and left behind a marriage, but she stood for the sake of her children and the love she still had for Brian. She learned that she needed to find her place in her own little world. For ten years, Jackie worked every single day of her life and found little-to-no downtime. She had given up so many opportunities that it was time she followed her heart and pursued her passion--fashion design. 

Brian learned that he was not the victim in their complicated situation. He was a responsible adult and he knew what he was doing, as well as saying. But because he was so used to doing as he pleased on tour (whenever he got upset with his ex-girlfriend Michelle back home), he never kicked the habit, which led to his infidelity. He made it a point to better his interpersonal relationships and turn "tour-time" into Family Time. 

As for their marriage, Jackie and Brian both had a lot to work on if they wanted to make it last a lifetime. 

Jackie had to move past the fact that Brian cheated on her. She had to understand that he did not want it to happen and he accepted full responsibility for it. Ultimately, she had to understand that he still loved her and that their relationship meant so much more than just a meaningless screw with the same trashy girl. 

Brian needed to become a better person, overall, or he'd lose Jackie for good.  

Things take time, however. 

Despite their revelations, things were slowly proving that it's not always meant to be how we want it to be. 

Towards the ending of 2014, Avenged Sevenfold completed their tour and were getting ready to hibernate for another year and a half before working on their next album. During this time, Jackie took the whole year off to take care of Noah and Sophia while flying out to the states and countries where Brian was playing. And although they were on talking and kissing terms, Jackie and Brian did not make love to each other. Their marriage was simply a union. 

Still Loving You (Synyster Gates Series: Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now