Time To Make A Change

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You guys reacted so good to the first chapter and I'm excited to post the next one! Hope you guys like what's to come :D And I know I'm taking long, I'm in the middle of midterms, so I'm pretty busy :(  By the way, if ya hate Frozen, sorry. I'm still absolutely in love with it. 

Comment and vote for the next chapter <3 

March 30, 2014 

With her pregnancy progressing rapidly, Jackie could no longer keep up with Sophia. She couldn't build the energy to run around with her or sit on the ground and play tea-party without needing the assistance of her father or brother to bring her back to her feet. Her bump was growing with each passing day, and because of that reason, she was becoming uncomfortable; her feet were swollen, her back was killing her, she was urinating every twenty minutes and she couldn't catch a full breath of air. The list was indeed endless. She and Brian both agreed that she deserved a well-needed break from their active daughter. 

And although it wasn't Brian's day with Sophia, Brian happily welcomed his daughter.  

With his fan-renowned Master Class slowly approaching, Brian was being kept quite busy during his time off touring. He wanted to make the session special for the selected aspiring guitarists and wanted nothing more than to give them a taste of his off-tour guitar style. That being so, he dedicated close to seven hours a day to creating unique riffs and tasty solos.

At times, the frustration certainly got to him as he could no longer find that peaceful place he once found himself in while inventing his iconic music. That being so, he would catch himself blaming Jackie. He figured the beautiful melodies once produced were the result of the happiness he shared with his estranged wife at a happier time in his life. But no longer in a happy marriage, he could not find his niche.

Regardless, while off tour, family time was crucial to Brian; even more so as his own family grew. He saw the frustration building inside of his body as a sign and stepped away from his guitar and amplification system in the basement, in order to spend time with his daughter. Almost instantly, at the sound of his daughter's incomprehensible speaking, his frustration vanished into thin air-- It was the power she had over him. 

Sophia spoke among herself with a tea-set scattered around her tiny ankles, as she sat on the staircase in the basement, only a few feet away from Brian. He smirked, setting his guitar on the stand and admired his daughter from afar. Resting his elbows on his thighs, he was reminded of why he loved her so much. She was innocent and naive, and didn't have one care in the world. In her mind, the world was a mystery-- A perfect mystery that she had yet to discover. Brian took delight in seeing her act like a child. He was relieved that she did not know and couldn't quite understand what was truly happening between he and Jackie. 

"Daddy," The young child babbled, raising a purple tea cup in his direction and stealing him away from drowning in his thoughts,"Nom!" 

He pushed himself off the office chair and kneeled before his daughter with a smile. He gently removed the cup from her tiny fingers and pretended to take a small drink. "Mmm!" He moaned, closing his eyes, as he imagined to savor the taste of sweet raspberry tea. "It's good, baby. You're such a good tea-maker." 

Sophia smiled proudly and handed Brian yet another cup filled with imaginary tea. "Mama." 

He was certainly aware she wanted her mother to join them in their impromptu tea party. Similar incidents had happened on the days Brian had Sophia, and he feared she was starting to comprehend what was happening behind closed doors. The thought slowly faded when he would continuously remind himself that she was only a child, and her perception of reality wasn't yet keen.

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