Still Loving You (Synyster Gates Series: Book 4)

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What's up everyone? So I might update this on Mondays and Wednesdays and maybe the weekend too because I started school and I might be bombarded with work! But don't fear, I plan on updating as often as I can since I write during my breaks in school! I'm glad you've all chosen to come with me on this final journey between these two! So excited!

Hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know! Vote and Comment, please:D 

March 2014

It was just a dream-- And Brian was grateful that the dream he had was purely a figment of his unconscious imagination. But even if it was a meaningless dream, he still woke up drowning in tears, in fear that it was reality. It proved that even three months into his dire separation with Jackie, he could not help but think that he'd arrive home after Avenged Sevenfold's Latin tour to find his estranged wife ready to divorce him. 

Incredibly taunted by the dream he had prior to entering the skies over Los Angeles, Brian resorted to the only two awake band members on the plane beside him, Zacky and Arin, to express his emotions and disclose his thoughts in order to avoid depression once he arrived home. 

"And then she was like, just sign them Brian, we both know things won't work out." Brian sighed, swallowing hard as the ball in his throat slowly rose. "I started to cry and beg her not to do it, but she pushed me and then that's when I woke up. I thought she really did push me, but it was plane turbulence." 

Zacky gently rubbed Brian's back, feeling nothing but remorse for the martyr. "Brother, don't worry about it. Months have already passed since that happened. Jackie hasn't even mentioned divorcing you to me, or Randy." 

"Well I don't want to be separated from her, anymore." Brian said, rubbing his flooded eyes. "It's like she's confused about what she wants, you know? I just wanna be happy... When I'd see her when I would go drop Sophia off at Mr. Baker's house, it killed me. I miss her so much." 

"I'm sure she misses you too." Arin swiftly added, hoping to convince Brian that Jackie felt the same. "When Noah comes, what are you gonna do?" 

A clueless Brian shrugged, "I don't know. We don't talk often, so I wouldn't know what her plans are. I don't know if she wants me to live with her to help her, or if she just wants to go through this solo." He ran his hand over his face, in helpless frustration, feeling a sense of agony brush over him. "If she does want to go through this alone, I don't know what I'm going to do. I want to be there all the time with my kids..." 

Zacky could not help but feel bad for everything that Brian was going through, but over a series of months, he found himself dumbfounded with absolutely nothing more to say except, "With time. Everything takes time." 

Soon after Zacky's powerless attempt at giving Brian the least bit of hope, Avenged Sevenfold's plane landed and pulled into LAX. Although they would all be seeing each other later in the day or some drinks, the men and crew belonging to the greatly cherished band went their separate ways after an emotional goodbye; despite Zacky and Brian who would be taken home by the mother of Zachary's child, Lindsay. The two made their way to baggage claim to acquire their belongings, then quickly headed out to the curbside. 

"Are you excited to see your son right now, Zack?" Brian asked as they pushed their shared luggage carts towards the automatic sliding doors.  

Zacky nodded with excitement, fixing the carry on over his shoulder. "Of course! I've seen pictures galore, but I just want to hold him and kiss him and love him. I feel so bad that I wasn't physically there when Landon was born." He pouted. "iPad Skype attendance doesn't do me any justice!"

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