Rush Hour: Daddy Gates Version

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Sorry I'm taking so long guys! I have an explanation in on my message board!

There's a part of the dialogue that I took from the actual Master Class video which is at the side and it starts at 13:40 in video.  To understand his body language and what not better, watch the video until 15:15 and read the part again, or vise-versa :)

Comment and vote for the next one :D <3 (I have Friday's off now, so expect LOTS of updates!)

April 2, 2014 

After months of viewing thousands of talented video entries, weeks of demanding deliberation and hour long days of intricate lesson planning, the day had finally arrived-- The day he was going to let a few guitarists in on some of his top secrets and skills. Needless to say, Brian was more than excited to share his knowledge. He was thankful for Guitar Center for providing him with the opportunity to meet a handful of fans and being able to discuss anything that came off the top of their heads. It seemed as though it was only yesterday Brian was a young, eager guitarist desperate to know Jimmy Page's tricks of the trade. He wanted nothing more than to meet the kids that felt the same way he did about Mr. Page when it came to his own style of playing. 

Although he was looking forward to hosting his own "class", the sense of excitement slowly diminished whenever he'd look around and not see Sophia anywhere in sight. The day long separation between he and his daughter was killing him and he could not wait to return home to his angel of music. The past few days spent with Sophia had been the best. The two spent hours coloring, playing with dolls and running around the house causing mayhem with each other. Never had he been able to bond so much with his daughter as he did during that week; and he was grateful for it. 

With the new tour cycle just around the corner, Brian was eventually going to leave his family once again. This time, he was leaving them under circumstances that needed his full cooperation and control-- Noah was going to be a newborn, and Sophia was entering her terrible twos. He knew Jackie would continue to assure him that everything was going to work out perfectly fine. Rather than arguing with her about the troubles she would face once he left, he chose to bite his tongue and allow things to play out as she hoped. But he had a strong feeling everything would soon fall. 

Brian, being agnostic, suddenly found himself praying to God. Every evening before he laid his head to rest, his heart was full of prayers, asking the Lord to "hold the fort down" until he returned from tour. It certainly shocked Brian. He noticed this unforeseen amount of faith building up once he stopped his drinking binges. He needed to find another way to cope with the heavy stress in his life. A greater force lead him to Jimmy's parents' house one early morning, where they began to preach the word of the Lord to him. Of course, Brian wasn't going to attend church every Sunday and claim Sabbath, but if dabbling in prayer every once in a while was going to keep him sane, he was going to do it. 

And it seemed as though his prayers were working to his advantage. 

Normally, a large amount of eyes piercing into his soul wouldn't shake a nerve in his body, but on this day, Brian's nerves were peaking at an all time high.  An audience of thirty-- full of staff, press and guitarists--sat and stood in the guitar room at the Guitar Center in Hollywood, California, as Brian played his signature six-string effortlessly on stage and spoke about his influences and finger style, captivating everyone seated before him. They all stared intently, giving him their full and undivided attention, soaking up all of his words and taking mental notes of his utilitarian advice.

"But I play a lot of jazz." He said, scratching the bridge of his nose and moistening his lips. Brian kept his eyes locked on the stage floor beneath his feet, in an attempt to gather his thoughts. "Uhm, so, like Chopin for instance. He goes through these nocturnes, and stuff like that. He just does these beautiful scales that are like..." He pressed the tips of his fingers to the frets and raised the pick to the cold strings, playing a high scale that slowly faded into a low scale,  "Or a key of like..."

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