The Box

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"...." - speech
'......' - thoughts
(y/n) - your name
(h/l) - hair length
(h/s) - hair style
(h/c) - hair colour
(e/c) - eye colour
(s/c) - skin colour

-----(Y/N) POV-----
I opened my eyes but all I could see was darkness. My eyes slowly began to adjust to the dark, only to see that there were boxes surrounding me - with a stamp that said WCKD. I began to stand up and started to feel my way around, to discover I am in a box. Suddenly the box jolted upwards and I fell the ground with a thud.

All of a sudden I realised I couldn't remember anything: my age, my family, where I'm from.....not even my name. I looked down to see that I was wearing a pair of black leggings, a white t-shirt that had a pocket on it and boots.

about half an hour later the box finally came to a stop.

'wait, I don't know what's out there. Maybe somethings waiting out there to kill me?!'

After that thought, I quickly scrambled behind a stack of boxes and waited.

-----Gally's POV-----
We were all gathered around waiting for the box to arrive bringing up this weeks supplies and this months new greenie.

'Wonder what the greenie's gonna be like.......probably irritating'

I heard the box had finally arrived, a few others and I opened the lid to see the usual - supplies.......but no greenie.

'Maybe they didn't send one this month'

"I guess they didn't send a greenie this time. Well, what are you waiting for? Start unloading the supplies!" Yelled Alby. I jumped down into the box with a few others and start passing the supplies out of the box, everyone else started going back to their jobs.

All of of a sudden I heard a sound, as if something was moving around. It was coming behind a pile of boxes. I started moving them out of the way and I saw a figure huddled in the corner.

"Hey, there's a greenie down here!" I yelled up to Alby. But I guess everyone else heard it as well since they started to crowd around again.

"Day one greenie, rise and shine." The greenie then looked up and what I saw shocked me.

"Wonder what the shank looks like."
"Dude, it smells like feet down there!"
"Wonder what job there gonna get."
"Hope you enjoyed your one-way ticket, greenie."
"Ain't no ticket back, bro"

"well?" Alby questioned.

"It's a girl." I responded, I couldn't here anything else since everyone started yelling and pushing to try and see the greenie.

"Wonder what job she's gonna get."
"Dude, is she hot?"
"I got dibs!"

I saw one of the boys leaning over to get a look at her.

"Dude, she's hot as hell!"

I looked at her again to see if what he said was true. She had (h/l), (h/s), (h/c), glossy hair, big (e/c) eyes, soft (s/c), long, dark, thick eyelashes and full, lips.

She was beautiful.

I then noticed she was literally shaking in fear.

"Hey, it's okay. We're not gonna hurt you." I told her and offered her my hand to help her stand up. She gave a curt nod and took my hand to help her stand up with a small smile gracing her features.

"thanks." She said with a soft, angelic voice.

-----(y/n)'s POV-----
The boy with blond/brown hair and blue eyes smiled back at me as a rope with a loop on the end was lowered down into the box.

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