First day on the job

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-----(y/n) POV-----
Once again, I woke up to a knock on the door on of my room.

"Hey (y/n), get ready. You're late to breakfast!" Yelled a voice which I recognised as Alby. Over the few days I had been here I felt that Alby was like an older brother to me, and I was the younger sister to him. I replied with a groan as I heard him walking away. After I got changed I realised the reason Alby had woken me up early. It was because I was starting my role as a cook, and a med-jack today. I had to get up early and start cooking breakfast for the entire glade.

I headed down towards the kitchens to be greeted by Frypan cooking bacon.

"mornin'," I greeted him.

"mornin' (y/n), ready to start," Frypan greeted me with a smile.

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess," I replied.

"Okay, all I need you to do for now is cook the eggs."

"yeah I can do that." I put my hair up into a messy bun with a hair tie I found on my wrist, then washing my hands. I got the eggs ready and started making scramble eggs.

-----time skip------
After I had finished serving everyone, I got my own portion. I weaved in between all the tables to sit at a table with Gally, Newt, Alby and Minho, exactly the same as yesterday. I sat down and started to eat.

"these eggs are amazing, did you make em (y/n)?" Asked Newt. I just nodded in response.

"Well there amazing." Gally told me. I gave him a smile which he gladly returned. After a while of talking with the boys I got up and went to wash up with Frypan. After we had finished I said bye to Frypan and went over to Clint and Jeff in the med-jack hut. When I got there I greeted them and helped them by getting everything we needed out for today.

After a while Clint and Jeff went to get lunch, and I would go later in case someone got hurt in the meantime. About half an hour later Gally walked in clutching his thumb.

"What happened?" I asked with a sigh.

"I hit my thumb with a hammer." He said while hanging his head in shame. I chuckled while shaking my head.

"Alright, just sit down on the bed. I'll be with you in a second." I told him while started to gather some bandages. I turned around and got to work. As I was rapping his thumb, I swear he was flexing his arms. I had to look down to avoid him seeing the light blush dusting my cheeks. After I was finished he thanked me and left.

-----time skip-----
After I ate lunch I returned to the med-jack hut. No one came in for awhile so Jeff, Clint and I were just talking. After a while Clint and Jeff left to talk to Alby about something. Eventually the runners came back, and in walked Minho.

"what's wrong?" I asked, nothing seemed wrong.

"I got cut in the maze." He replied.

"okay then, just sit on the bed." I told him. "Where did you get cut."

"My chest." He replied with a cheeky grin on his face. Why was he smiling like that?

"okay then just take off your shirt." I told him and starting to get disenfectant and bandages out. He took off his shirt and sat down again. On his chest there was a deep gash - but not deep enough to need stitches.

"Your not gonna need stitches," I told him, he seemed pretty relieved about that. I then started to clean the cut with the disenfectant, I watched as his face scrunched up in pain at first contact but after a few seconds he got used to it.

"Did you find anything in the maze today?" I asked with a smile, trying to start a conversation.

"No, same old same old." He told me with a small grin. "What about you, anything interesting?"

"No, not really anything." I replied as I started to bandage his now clean wound.

"Well your finished soon aren't you? Then you start cooking with Frypan." He asked. I glanced at the clock on the wall and saw what he said was true.

"yeah, time flies I guess." I answered as I finished up his cut. "There you go, you can put your shirt back on now." He nodded in response as he started to put on his shirt, while flexing his muscles with a smirk on his face. I started to clean up to avoid him seeing the blush covering my face.

"Can I walk you over to the kitchens?" He asked politely, still with his signature smirk on his face.

"Sure." I replied. As we started to walk out of the hut he linked my arm with his, I just giggled at his action and carried on walking. He started telling me a story. Once he said the last part I couldn't stop myself from bursting out laughing, as that happened everyone turned to look at me. I hung my head down hiding the blush as my (h/l), (h/c) hair fell in my face. Once we got to the kitchens we said goodbye.

"Hey Fry," I greeted the cook once again.

"Hey (y/n), can you cook the meat please." He told me continuing to chop up the vegetables. I started doing this and added in some things to add to the flavour.

After about an hour we started serving everyone, I grabbed my plate and headed over to my table. As I sat down I noticed that no one was saying anything and just stuffing their faces. I just rolled my eyes and tucked in to my own serving. Once I'd finished I helped Frypan wash up again. I said a quick goodnight to everyone explaining I was tired. I walked up to my room, changed into my pyjamas and climbed into bed thinking about what had happened today while I drifted into sleep.

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