The Bonfire

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  -----(Y/N) POV-----
*Time Skip*
After the tour, Alby told me there was gonna be a bonfire to celebrate me coming up in the box. I was currently sitting with my back to everyone else, leaning on a log. I haven't really spoken to anyone yet, apart from Alby since he did the tour. Thoughts were flowing through my mind, who put us here and why? We're just kids, why would they do this to us? I turned round and saw someone walking towards me...

-----Newt's POV-----
I was just finishing talking to Alby about the girl's sleeping arrangements, since she can't sleep with everyone else, when I turn around and see her sitting by herself, away from everyone. Her (h/l), (h/c), glossy hair shining in the moon light. I started walking over to her when she turned around and looked at me.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" I ask her. She just nods in response, her hair falling in her face. I sat down next to her but she still never said a word. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" She just shrugs. "Are you sure?" I ask again.

"Well maybe it's because I have just been thrown into a world of boys, not knowing anything, even my own name!" She says, startling me, because she hasn't yet said much.

"It's gonna be okay, we're going to get out of here. See those guys over there?" I point to the runners. " They are called runners. They go out into the maze everyday, trying to find a way out, a pattern, anything to help us." I can see she has relaxed a bit more after what I said. "Why don't we introduce you to everyone then." I say getting up, as I offer her my hand to get up.

-----Minho's POV-----
I see Newt and the new girl coming towards me. I smirk as they get closer. Newt came up and said - "Minho this is greenie, greeinie this is Minho, the keeper of the runners." she puts her hand for me to shake.

"I believe we have already met." I say, while taking her hand and kissing it. She blushes and looks down. I look over to Newt who is right now, giving me a very jealous look. If looks could kill then I would be dead on the floor right now! At that moment Newt says, "Okay time to introduce you to someone else now." He grabs her by the shoulders and takes her away.

-----Gally's POV-----
I watch enviously as Minho kisses the back of the greenie's hand but I felt relieved when Newt took her away from him. I then realize, that they are coming towards me and I try to make it look like I wasn't looking at them. They walk up to me and Newt taps me on the shoulder to get my attention.

"Gally, you already know the greenie. Greenie, you already know Gally." I smiled at he rand she smiled back.

"Here, try this." I say giving her a glass of my special recipe. She looks at me in a questioning way before bringing it up to her lips and taking a swig of it. She looks like she's trying to swallow it down with a sour expression on her face, after a couple of seconds she then spits it out and then wiping her mouth on her arm trying to get the taste away.

"Eww, what on earth was that?!" She questioned still gagging.

"Gally's secret recipe." Newt replied while chuckling. "Well, let's go and meet some of the others." He said while steering the greenie away again.

-----(Y/N) POV-----
After a while of Newt introducing me to a few others, we joined a group of people that were standing in a circle watching something. I couldn't really see what was going on but a few realised and let me through to the front, I smiled at all of them and they returned it. I ended up standing next to Minho. I could finally see what everyone was watching, it was Gally fighting with a boy.

"I thought we weren't allowed to hurt each other." I said to Minho.

"This is different, it's just a bit of sparring." He replied, while I just nodded in response. Watching as Gally eventually through the boy out of the ring.

"Okay who's next." Gally called out, no boys stepped into the ring.

"I will." I said stepping into the ring, all of a sudden having a burst of confidence. All of the boys looking at me surprised.

"No." Gally said.

"Why, because I'm a girl?" I said while raising an eyebrow.

"no, no, it's now that it's just..." He said uncertainly, trying to think of reason to not let me fight.

"Its's just what?" I questioned impatiently.

"It's.....nothing, just don't blame me if you get hurt." He said shaking his head, regretting his decision. "Okay greenie, all you've got to do is stay in the ring, or push me out." He said getting into a fighting stance, I copied his move. He then charged at me and I charged at him, but just as we were about to collide I did a frontflip over him earning a few gasps from the others. I turned back around to see that he had managed to stop himself before he fell out of the circle and turned back to me with a surprised look on his face. He charged at me again and when we made contact I only moved about an inch. We put all our weight on to each other trying to push to push the other out of the circle. At one point I guess Gally got fed up of this and moved his legs around which forced me to fall while smacking my head down as well. Some of the boys started cheering while some looked at me with concern. Gally had turned his back to me, I quickly got up and pushed him with all my strength which ended in him falling out of the ring. All of the boys seemed shocked but them started cheering for me.

I then realised name! My name is (y/n)!

"Hey! I remember! My name it's (y/n)!" I yell, ecstatic that I could remember at least something. The boys were all silent for a second, before they all start swarming around me they started congratulating me and giving me a pat on the back.

"Welcome to the glade, (y/n)." Alby told me with a smile. All of a sudden there was a mechanical scream that emitted from the maze. I turned around with a look of pure horror etched onto my face.

"what was that?" I asked shakily.

"That was a griever, but don't worry they can't hurt you from here. Nothing gets past those walls." Gally told me which made me visibly relax.

"Okay let's all suck it up and get some sleep for tonight." Alby said. "(y/n), come with me. I'll show you where you sleep." I followed him to what they called the homestead, he showed me to a room that had a bed, a chest of drawers and a bedside table.

"This is where you'll sleep" Alby told me.

"thanks." We smiled at each other one last time before he left. I put on some pyjamas (in the pic above) and got into the bed. I finally started drifting into to sleep thinking about what a weird day it had been.

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