Jobs (Part 1)

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Here's a quick authors not before we start the chapter -
We would like to say thank you to our first follower! Thank you so much trinity! Please favourite and comment, it would mean the world to us.

-----(Y/N) POV-----
I woke up with a start when someone knocks on my door.

"Can I come in?" Someone said. After that Alby walks in. "Come on, get up, otherwise you'll miss breakfast!" I swing my legs off the bed only to have my feet meet with the cold floor. I shiver as Alby says

"I'll leave you alone to get dressed." He walks out but only a couple seconds later he sticks his head round the door. "Oh and by the way, you will be trying out the different jobs today."

I silently groan as I get out of bed. I quickly get dressed into a black tank top and a pair of denim shorts with the same boots as yesterday.

I walk out of my room, only to find Alby standing outside my door.

"Come on Greenie, let's go." He says, while grabbing my wrist and dragging me out of the homestead, towards the kitchen, where everyone was eating. He led me towards a boy, I think his name was Frypan, who passed me a bowl of porridge. I smiled gratefully at him and he returned it. After that Alby and I sat on a table with Newt, Minho and Gally. I smiled at all of them and took my seat next to Alby.

"We are going to start you off with the builders. You will do what Gally says, since he is the keeper." Alby explains to me. I simply nod as a response and look over at Gally. He smiles and then we continue eating. We have all ventured into our own conversations and at the moment I am having a conversation with Minho. I can tell he is flirting but being the polite person I am, I ignore it for now.

Everytime I look over to Newt or Gally, they are glaring at Minho but when I look at Alby he was just smirking.

"Well I better be going now." I hear Minho say, I turn to him and said goodbye. He winks at me and I look down blushing, only to look up and see Gally and Newt with angry expressions.

Gally grabs my wrist and drags me from the table over to the builders. I turn around and wave quickly at the others and give them an apologetic look. When we get there he automatically starts ordering the other builders around and makes an announcement.

"Today we will be mending the hole in the roof of the homestead." He starts telling people where to go, when I ask

"what should I do?"

"Umm, can you bring those planks of wood," he points to the outside of the deadheads, "and bring them over here."

I nod and start making my way over. When I got there I picked up a load of the planks with ease. I get a lot of shocked glances from around the Glade, probably because they were surprised I could lift something this heavy. When I got back to the rest of the builders I set them down, making sure no one world trip on them. I spot Gally, I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around he looked like he would of hit someone for doing that but when he saw me he smiled at me.

"What should I do now?" I asked politely.

"You already finished carrying the planks!?" He asked suprised, he looked towards the deadheads to see that none of the planks of wood were there. He then looked back at me shocked.

"Yep." Is all I replied with. I then see Alby walking in our direction.

"Well Gally, how did (y/n) do?" He asked.

"Really good actually." He replied. Alby just nodded and smiled at me in response. "Well then greenie, let's get you on to your next job trial." After he said that he walked off with me in tow, I turned back to smile at Gally to see him already staring at me. He quickly snapped out of it and smiled at me as I then turned around.

"Now your gonna' try out being a slicer." Alby told me as I just nodded in response. I remembered that Newt had introduced me to Winston - the keeper of the slicers - last night at the bonfire. The slicers 'prepared' the meat for the cooks. I don't think I would really mind doing this. But from all the whispering around the glade as we entered the bloodhouse, I was guessing the boys thought otherwise.

'I can't let them all think I'm weak, I have to do this.'

When we went in the metalic smell of blood hit me like a slap in the face. We walked over to Winston who was in the middle of butchering a pig. Alby tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

" Hey Alby, (y/n)." Winston greeted us.

"Hey Winston, greenie's gonna be workin with you for a little bit." After Alby said that he walked out without saying another word. Winston showed me how to skin, gut and butcher a pig. He then gave me a pig and told me to have a try. I put my (h/c), (h/s) hair up into a messy bun, which showed off my face nicely. Winston gave me a confused look.

"I don't wanna get blood in my hair." I told him while he just nodded in response. He handed me a sharp knife and I started to skin the carcus. After about 15 minutes I was already done. I then moved onto the next pig while Winston looked at me shocked.

About an hour later, after I had just finished my fourth pig, Alby came in and looked at me in complete shock. I just smirked in response.

"What, never seen a girl gut a pig before?" I asked jokingly. Alby snapped out of it and smirked back at me.

"come on then greenie, your gonna help Frypan In the kitchen now." I nodded in response, said goodbye to Winston and the rest of the slicers and followed Alby out of the bloodhouse and towards the kitchens. When we got there Frypan and Alby greeted each other, then Alby walked out.

"Well greenie, we better start making lunch then. We're just gonna make stew." Frypan told me and then we proceeded to get to work. He left me to cut it potatoes, leeks, carrots and onions. I tucked some stray hair behind my ear and got to work. I expertly cut up the vegetables with ease within 20 minutes. Frypan looked just as shocked as everyone else had. We mixed all the ingredients together, including the meat that he had cut, and left it to boil. Everyone started to line up for lunch as we then started serving it, everyone said thank you as we served them, mostly to me but still. I then got my own serving and went to sit with Gally, Newt and Alby - but without Minho this time, since he was still in the maze. We talked for a bit and then Newt and Gally went back to work.

"Now we're gonna let you try out to be a track-hoe." Alby told me as we started to walk over to Zart. He told me to start picking fruit off of the trees. As I did this me and Newt continued our conversation from lunch. After another hour or so Alby came, I said goodbye to Zart and Newt and we moved onto my training of being a med-jack.

"Well right now we need to deal with Seth." Clint told me as he pointed towards a boy that had a 6-inch, deep cut running along his forearm.

"Looks like he's gonna need stitches." I say not only surprising Clint and Jeff but myself as well.

'Why do I remember medical procedures?'

"Well your not wrong." Jeff chuckled.

-----time skip-----
About an hour later we had finished stitching up Seth's wound and he was currently resting. Strange thing is though I didn't have to be told what to do, in fact I was the one that did the actual stitches!

"How did you know what to do?" Clint asked me still extremely surprised.

"I have no idea, I just knew somehow." I replied. As we finished cleaning up Alby walked in.

"So, did she do any good?" Alby questioned.

"Nevermind good, she was amazing!" Jeff exclaimed. Clint told Alby what happened and he seemed pretty impressed as well.

"We'll have a meeting tomorrow to discuss what job your gonna have tomorrow." Alby told me as we left to have dinner.

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