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-----(y/n) POV-----
I've been here an entire month - that means a new greenie's coming up today. Newts improved a lot this week since the incident, he's starting to move around again but he's gonna have a limp even when he's fully healed. Right now I'm close to Alby, Newt, Minho and Gally. Right now we are all sitting around the box, waiting for it to come up.

After 10 minutes we heard the box stop, Gally and a few others opened the box and Alby jumped down. I hear silence as Alby's head pops out of the box.

"It's a kid, he's really upset." He said looking down in embarrassment since I'm guessing he had no idea what to do.

"Move out the way you shanks, I'll help him out." I say then start to lower myself down into the box while muttering insults at all of them. When I get down I see Alby crouched down in front of a kid. He has short, curly brown hair, brown eyes and is a bit chubby - he looks about 12. I go over to him and crouch down beside Alby.

"Hey it's okay, we're not gonna hurt you. We all came up exactly the same way." When I said all he looked up and shrunk down when he realised that about five dozen boys we're staring right back at him. "Ignore those shanks, what's your name?"

"I can't remember, why can't I remember anything." He says in a panicked tone.

"Hey, it's okay. It's happened to all of us. I'll explain when we get you out of here." I told him. We both stood up and walked over to where the rope was being lowered down. He holds on while being pulled up. Shortly after they pulled me up and I noticed they were all crowded around the greenie, I gave Alby a nudge . After a quick scan around he noticed what I was indicating.

"Okay you shanks, get back to work!" He yelled while everyone huffed while walking away to whatever they were doing before. I walked over to the Greenie.

"you alright?" I ask, he just nods as if he were unsure. "Okay, Alby's gonna give you the tour now."

"Actually, I think it would be better if you took him." Alby said. "He seems more comfortable around you." He told me. I just nodded in response while started walking away. I looked over at the greenie and noticed he wasn't fllowing, just watching me. "Well, you coming or not?" I asked with a grin, in responsehe flashed me a grin and jogged up to me and we started the tour.

-----time skip-----
We had just finished the tour and we were walking around the glade when Ben and Minho came out of the doors. As that ran past they smiled at greenie and Minho winked at me. I smiled back at them as they ran to the runners hut.

"I thought no one was allowed outside of the walls." The greenie said, obviously confused.

"Well, those are the runners. They go out into the maze everyday to try and find a way out." I told him as he was looking out at the maze. After a few more minutes of walking around, Newt came up to us.

"Come on you guys. Bonfire's about to start." He told us. I explained to the newbie about the bonfire as we followed to where the keepers had just thrown the spears on fire into the unlit bonfire. I go and sit down on a log beside Minho as the greenie followed and sat down on the other side to me. After a while we're in the middle of a conversation when Gally stands up and everyone starts to surround him, luckily Minho, greenie and I are at the front so we could see everything.

"Okay, who's up first." Gally yelled out after a few seconds Ben steps into the ring and they start fighting, Ben's pretty good but after about 7 minutes he was pushed out of the ring. After that Minho then stepped in, he was better than Ben but still not as good as Gally. After about 10 minutes he was pushed out. Several others tried but still no one seceeded.

"Anyone else wanna try." Gally yelled in a mocking tone.

"I will." I say stepping into the ring. "I beat you once, I can do it again." I said with evident sass. All the boys around me laughed as Gally and I got into fighting stances.

"I see Minho's rubbing off on you." Gally said with a smirk on his face. I look up to see Minho smirking, he then gives me a thumbs up and mouths good luck - I just nod and smile in response.

-----time skip-----
Lets just say....I beat Gally again. I walked out of the circle in triumph with the boys still cheering and patting me on the back while I just smile back at them. I walked over to Minho and we continued our conversation. After a few minutes I felt a tug on my sleeve. I turn around and see the greenie.

"That was amazing! How did you do that?" He said with a huge smile on his face.

"Thanks, and I have no idea." I told him smiling in response. I slung my arm over his shoulder. "Come on, let's get you introduced to everyone." I told him while starting to walk over to Minho, Gally and Newt. Just as we're about to get there he just stops with a shocked look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked pretty confused. Why had he just stopped?

"My name. It's Chuck!" He yelled happily. I smile down at him.

"Welcome home, Chuck." Alby yelled all of a sudden - I guess he overheard us. Boys started surrounding us and patting Chuck on the back. After everyone cleared away again, I slung my arm around his shoulder again and head over to the 3 again. First of all we got to Gally. He noticed us and greeted up us with a smile.

"Gally, this is Chuck. Chuck, this is Gally." I told him.

"Nice to meet you Chuck." Gally told him, while he just nodded in response. He's still pretty shy but that's expected. We move onto the next people which is Newt and Minho.

"Chuck, this is Newt, you already know Minho though. Newt and Minho this is Chuck." I told them, they all shook hands and exchanged a few words. After I had introduced everyone to Chuck Alby announced that it was time for all of us to go to sleep. After we all said goodnight to each other Newt took Chuck to where he's gonna be sleeping In the homestead. I headed up to my room and changed into my sleep wear. I then climbed into bed and fell,into a deep sleep.

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